On 03/22/2014 09:26 PM, Pol Vangheluwe wrote:
> Op 20-mrt.-2014, om 00:16 heeft Fernando de Oliveira <fam...@yahoo.com.br> 
> het volgende geschreven:
>> Em 19-03-2014 19:13, Pol Vangheluwe escreveu:
>>> Looks like the BLFS-dev has hit a similar problem as mine?
>> Sorry, I have no idea if the dev hit similar problem. I did not.
>> -- 
>> []s,
>> Fernando
>> -- 
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> I rebuilt libcap with DESTDIR:
> pol@iMac400:/sources/libcap-2.22$ sudo make DESTDIR=/lib RAISE_SETFCAP=no 
> install
> and I indeed could then build ntp without errors.  Thanks for the hint.
> pvg

Latest libcap has way different instructions than that. You should stick
to them.

Note: My last name is not Krejzi.
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