On 03/30/14 10:15, m...@pc-networking-services.com wrote:
> Hello,
> I found that the configure for poppler to enable both qt4 and qt5 seems to
> be broken even with the sed fix applied as per the instructions.
> Out of shear frustration I deleted the extracted poppler directory and
> re-extracted a fresh copy.  I created a build directory within it and
> typed:
> cmake prefix=/usr ..
> After it created the make files I checked and saw that it had detected
> both qt4 and qt5.
> I typed make and it went through the entire build without any errors and
> both qt4 and qt5 gets built.
> Would it be possible for one of the developers to check this out and
> provide instructions for using cmake instead of the broken configure?
> I have not installed it, just built it because I am not entirely sure how
> to specify the sysconfdir and disabling of static when using cmake.
> You get moc errors when using the sed when it comes to building the qt5
> module.
> Regards,
> Christopher.
If you have X up and running and QT4 installed (I don't have QT5, so I
can't address that), you could try:


It's pretty nifty.


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