> David Brodie lfs at aba.eclipse.co.uk
> Wed Oct 29 14:33:28 PDT 2014

> On 28/10/14 22:13, Fernando de Oliveira wrote:
>> On 28-10-2014 18:14, Dr.-Ing. Edgar Alwers wrote:
> ...
>> The error in this second message of yours "undefined reference to
>> acquire" is known since version
>> https://bugs.freedesktop.org/show_bug.cgi?id=78174
>> Unfortunately they closed as invalid.
>> ĸen found a solution in paldo, patch originally from Jürg Billeter, and
>> produced our libreoffice-4.x.y.z-gcc_4_9_0-1.patch. It is needed for
>> gcc-4.9.0 or newer.
> Found this:
> http://cgit.freedesktop.org/libreoffice/core/commit/?id=bb182b47ca7362b05c03d583d3547643d9a99562
> - in 'Master', but not in '4.3.2' branch - might be worth a try. The
> commit message has:
> toolkit: export some ListenerMultiplexer types
> These are used from svx and apparently some (buggy?) toolchains fail with
> fmgridif.cxx:: undefined reference to `non-virtual thunk
>   to WindowListenerMultiplexer::acquire()'
> For the record, I have successfully built (without the above
> commit) on what is (in other respects) a standard 32-bit sysvinit 7.6
> LFS/BLFS system, on a 2-core AMD Athlone, with 4GB RAM and 2GB swap -
> also a 'tmpfs' /tmp of maximum size 1GB (the latter is not in the book),
> also with the config option '--with-parallelism=3' rather than '2'
> according to the book, and in a change-root on a LFS 7.3 host - the
> whole build takes just over 4 hours with a SBU of 130.

I have copied from the web, to reply.

Thanks, David.

I am saving the patch and as soon I have the time, will test it.

Fernando de Oliveira

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