On Wed, Nov 5, 2014 at 10:44 AM, Bruce Dubbs <bruce.du...@gmail.com> wrote:

> Alex, I don't understand.
> Using
> ​​
> --with-parallelism=$(getconf _NPROCESSORS_ONLN) will be translated to
> --with-parallelism=8 (on my system) by the shell.  This is exactly the
> construct I'm using (but with a different number).
> ​Hi Bruce,

Just a quick (not definitive:) reply - I stayed up late last night.  I'll
come with more
technical "proof" later if needed;  so please bear with me.

1.  I think the missing "-j <some number - good or bad>" in the 'make' line
I was talking about is pretty "damning".  Anyway, I hate to subject your
laptop to any more abuse, but this can be easily checked by,

1.1  Cleaning up things in the working directory (something like make
distclean or a full nuke of directory and a redo
of the procedure
​ from tar ..., etc.)​

​1.2.  ​
Running Autogen
​ with the fateful option exactly as "prescribed" by the book:

--with-parallelism=$(getconf _NPROCESSORS_ONLN)
1.3. Running a "regular" build (you can kill it as soon as the eggs are
done on the
laptop :) the "old fashion" BLFS way:

make build 2>&1 | tee make.txt ...

and examine the main 'make' command line in the 'make.txt' file.

I claim (I may be wrong of course - so what's new?) that the 'make' will
not have the
"-j ..." argument anywhere on that line.

2.  For me, the proof of the pudding is the actual outcome:

Without the
--with-parallelism=$(getconf _NPROCESSORS_ONLN)

or with just a

"--with-parallelism" line (no "=", no nothing)

​for my 4-core system the build time is almost four times shorter than​
with the

--with-parallelism=$(getconf _NPROCESSORS_ONLN)

as argument to Autogen.

As an aside, I understand your point that people - if they are blessed with
more than one core - can _control_ their destiny with something like

--with-parallelism=<desired number of cores one would like to put to work>

As yet another aside, maybe something like

--with-parallelism=`getconf _NPROCESSORS_ONLN'  # note the back apostrophs

could be equivalent to the LO default (blast off all cores the sucker has)
which is
no "with-parallelism" line at all.

-- Ing. Alex​
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