I successfully compiled LibreOffice-, closely based (with a few
very minor, idiosyncratic exceptions) on the _excellent_ procedure
detailed in the BLFS Book v2015-02-02.  As always, many thanks to the
developers for their dedication, hard work and great output.
(exceptions:  no double quotes on '--with-vendor=' and no
 "=yes" on '--enable-release-build';
I'm of the less-is-more school :)

The questions/confusion and pleading for help on the JPEG situation
were triggered by this "incident" while trying to compile LO:

At one point, the compilation would fail on an error to the effect that
POPPLER needs JPEG v7 ?!

1.  For the record, I had the latest versions of
 libjpeg-turbo-1.4.0 (--with-jpeg8) and poppler-0.30.0

2.  My relevant '/usr/lib' situation looked something like

ls -og libjpeg.so*
 libjpeg.so -> libjpeg.so.8.0.2
 libjpeg.so.8 -> libjpeg.so.8.0.2
 504462 2015-02-01 23:21 libjpeg.so.8.0.2

3.  On a dare, I created a new symlink
 libjpeg.so.7 -> libjpeg.so.8.0.2
  and rebuilt poppler-0.30.0

 The LO compilation finally ran smoothly all the way (like it should:)

4.  Note #1
 libjpeg-turbo-1.4.0 calls for a "fix" before the install proper:
  rm -f /usr/lib/libjpeg.so*
 and then installs a JPEG v8.0.2 (?)

5.  Note #2
 Apparently, LO- prefers a JPEG v9 (if you don't use
 The then corresponding(?) LO download appears to be a tarball,

I would appreciate anybody who could settle for me at least these two

1.  What my 'ls -og /usr/lib/libjpeg.so*' should look like.

2.  What are the latest "authorized" JPEG versions; 8 or 9, 8 and 9, etc.

Any additional help on this confusing (for me) stuff would be a valuable

-- Alex
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