The typing sound is a JAWS sound.

jason smith wrote:

|| Hi James,
|| yes there were a couple with msn in the title. When listening to it,
|| I could recognize things like the sound we hear when a message has
|| arrived etc worked into the music. However, the typing noise we get
|| when someone is writing their message, I didn't notice. I am not
|| sure though, if that noise is particular to MSN, or if it is a Jaws
|| feature. I think those ones regarding MSN were on the YouTube
|| screen, after I listened to the one called windows xp remix(or
|| something like that). A family member saw them on the screen and
|| clicked them for me. However, I am pretty sure, I was able to find
|| them with the Jaws cursor. I will have a look and see if I can find
|| them again, and report back okay? 
|| best wishes Jason
|| ----- Original Message -----
|| From: "James Scholes" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
|| To: <>
|| Sent: Monday, March 31, 2008 9:03 PM
|| Subject: Re: [Blind-Computing] A break in the action
||| One with msn sounds? That would be cool, I can't find it though.
||| jason smith wrote:
||||| Hi list,
||||| enjoyed this a lot. Not sure if anyone else has found this. When
||||| the YouTube video has finished, there are several more selections
||||| to listen to. They are listed on the screen. You need to use the
||||| Jaws cursor to get to them. Start from the bottom of the screen
||||| up. The one called XP remix is pretty good. There are a couple on
||||| MSN messenger too i.e it uses the msn sounds we are familiar
||||| with. So when each has stopped playing, explore the other choices
||||| on the screen.
||||| take care Jason
||||| ----- Original Message -----
||||| From: "Moderator" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
||||| To: "blind-computing" <>
||||| Sent: Sunday, March 30, 2008 11:49 PM
||||| Subject: [Blind-Computing] A break in the action
|||||| All,
|||||| Below is a message to me from a list member
|||||| He thought the list would enjoy it, so I'm passing it along.
|||||| Follow the link, and enjoy, I did!
|||||| Hi Rick,
|||||| My brother sent me the following link to a U-Tube sound clip that
|||||| one can listen to.
|||||| Basically, someone, with more than enough time on his or her
|||||| hands, utilized
|||||| every single event sound Windows has ever had to offer, and
|||||| turned it into a song, complete with percussion and all.
|||||| I thought the list would get a kick out of it, after all, let's
|||||| face it, the
|||||| list can't be serious all the time, right?  Smile.
|||||| Anyway, the link is below, so if you think it appropriate to be
|||||| forwarded to
|||||| the list, feel free and do so.
|||||| The link is:
|||||| Enjoy,
|||||| Victor
|||||| Richard Q. Justice-list moderator
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||| James Scholes
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James Scholes

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