Well, I finally did it.  I uninstalled AVG 7.5 and Spy Sweeper, then loaded 
Windows Live One Care.  It took quite a while.  I have questions though.  Can 
anyone tell me how well this program is rated?  That's something you always 
have to be concerned about when using anti-virus programs.  Some are good while 
others are better.  This program seems to have it all in one very nice package. 
 There's a really good and  accessible fire wall, anti-virus and anti-spyware  
features, file back up and restore.  The first scan if the Full option is used 
will take about 2 hours, even with a relatively fast processor.  I know AVG 
quite well.  I've been using it for years.  The same is true of Spy Sweeper but 
this is a relatively new program.  It was designed by Microsoft and it couldn't 
be easier to use with Jaws.  But how good is it, really?
Someone once said that any anti-virus is better than none at all.  I suppose 
that's true but I'm seriously considering paying the $50 for this program.  
It's a one year renewable subscription so it isn't cheap.  But is it strong and 
reliable enough to keep my computer safe?

John Justice 

My job feeds my family, music feeds my soul.

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