
The only reason I won't switch from jaws to window eyes is that jaws 
provides mutch better support for Windows live messanger. If you use it, how 
do you get it to repeat messages that you've missed?

----- Original Message ----- 
From: "Nimer" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: <>
Sent: Sunday, September 21, 2008 4:51 AM

>I am a user of window eyes, and have been for a long time. I am going to
> answer your questions to the best of my ability, but you may want to
> join the GWmicro list by sending a blank email to:
>> Recently, my wife learned that an effort is being made to use Window-Eyes
>> at her work site.  Her computer has been loaded with Version 6.1.  With a
>> view to helping her to learn the program, I contacted GW Micro and 
>> learned
>> that an evaluation version can be purchased for 60 days.  The cost is $39
>> plus shipping.  This version, unlike the trial software which is down
>> loadable, has no restrictions in operation or time.  The evaluation 
>> version
>> is fully functional but will last only 60 days after which it becomes no
>> longer accessible.  To me, that is a very nice idea.  But I do have a 
>> couple
>> of questions.
>> 1.  Does anyone on this list use Window-Eyes?
>> I have tried playing with the software but the controls seem so vastly
>> different from Jaws and I feel a bit lost.  For example, the keys on the
>> keypad which normally change from cursor to cursor in Jaws, don't seem to
>> operate in the same manner.  That brings up my next question.
>> Window Eyes controls, in my opinion, are vastly easier than JAWS, not 
>> requiring the use of a configuration menu. I have used both products, and 
>> WE's menu structure is easy, and there are shortcuts for almost 
>> everything.
>> 2.  Jaws has a PC cursor, a Jaws cursor and an invisible cursor.  Are 
>> there
>> comparable functions with Window Eyes?  If so, how the devil do you find
>> them?
>> I have been able to use Window-Eyes in Outlook Express.  There, at least, 
>> it
>> seems to work in a more or less normal manner.  That is as far as reading
>> the e-mail is concerned.  I haven't tried typing with Window-Eyes yet. 
>> In
>> fact, I'm a bit frightened of the prospect.  That brings up my next
>> question.
>> Window Eyes uses what is known as a mouse cursor type thing as well as 
>> the regular cursor. The mouse cursor allows you to see what is on the 
>> screen. This is especially useful for an application that isn't as 
>> accessible, although Window Eyes 7.0 has incorporated a virtual view 
>> script that effectively negates the use of the mouse. This is accessible 
>> via the keypad keys on a desktop in desktop layout. Slash is left click, 
>> Star is right click, and the numbers move you.
>> 3.  Is there a quick reference guide somewhere in the manual which will 
>> give
>> you a description of the functions which is short and sweet?
>> Yes, there is. It is known as appendix A, and it is in the manual.
>> 4.  How do you adjust the voices in Window-Eyes?
>    The voices are adjusted by several methods.
> 1. Use control+alt+arrows to adjust tone, pitch, rate, volume by using
> left arrow, up arrow, and down arrow. Select for what the voices will be
> applied by using the right arrow in conjunction with the up, and down
> arrows. For example, a voice can be set just for the screen, I.E what is
> read. Or, it can be set for the keyboard, I.E what is typed on the
> keyboard if key echo is on. Or, it can be set for the mouse, I.E the
> mouse cursor. Finally, you can select the voice for all, meaning the
> screen, keyboard, and mouse. Once finished, press alt in the window eyes
> control panel, arrow down to save, press enter, and press enter on set
> file. This will save the set file. If it asks you if you want to
> associate it with the current application, either select yes or no.
> Selecting yes will mean that the voice is selected for that app, where
> as selecting no is for the entire computer.
>    2. You can also go into the menus. For example, press alt once in
> the window eyes control panel. Press right arrow to screen. Down arrow,
> and you will see your controls. Do this for screen, keyboard, and mouse.
>> 5.  Is there a way to change the way the cursor responds from characters 
>> to
>> words quickly and effectively?
>> What do you mean?
>> COMMENTS:  The one thing I noticed immediately with GW Micro was their
>> willingness to help in every way they could.  Help can be had at Freedom
>> Scientific and in fact, some of the technical support people are pretty
>> good.  But GW Micro seems to go out of the way to be of service.  I am
>> impressed by that.  On Sunday, 09/21/2008, one of the GW Micro reps is 
>> going
>> to introduce Linda to Window-Eyes for the first time.  she has never been
>> exposed to a Windows based screen reader before.  To put it bluntly,  Lin
>> isn't one who will go out of her way to mess with a computer.  That just
>> isn't her thing.  But it seems like she may have to learn if only the
>> basics.
>> Thanks for your patience with this note.  I'd sincerely appreciate any 
>> help
>> one of you can give.
>> John and Linda Justice
>> With guide dogs Jake and Zachary
>> "My job feeds my family, music feeds my soul."
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