
I can not keep the settings in JAWS 10.  I set them and they are immediately
gone.  Laptop turns back into desktop, words turn to characters, and who knows
what else.  Has anybody else had this problem?  Any ideas on what else to do?  I
hit ok and they are gone again almost instantly.  They were originally set in
the set up wizzard also.  Perhaps the beta wasn't ready to be released yet.
Maybe my laptop just wants to frustrate me.  I should have waited on it, I
guess, but I got curious as to what programs were supported by it..  I'm not
going to bother installing it again at this point, but if I could fix the
problem some other way, I would try that. as I like some of the features.  I've
now got long pauses while reading this email alsowhen using the up or down arrow
keys.  I think it's screwing with me.  Thanks.

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