Hi there

Although I can pretty easily use audacity to in fact merge different audio tracks with each other (haven't done much more than adding slogans to certain windows sounds), was just wondering how easy/possible it would be to merge an audio track into a video clip/file?

Basically, I have some video clips that among other things it might be nice to get one of my friends to record a form of narration for, and then it would be nice to actually merge the extra audio into the video clip as opposed to just stripping the two audio tracks off and merging them since it would sort of (maybe) open some sighted people's eyes, and, FWIW, I'm busy setting up a sort of blindie movie night, but would mostly be concentrating on the narrated soundtracks from moviesfortheblind.com unless I can pull this one off.

Thanks for any ideas

Jacob Kruger
Blind Biker
Skype: BlindZA
'...Fate had broken his body, but not his spirit...'

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