One way you can be sure that the current version of Jaws starts is to go 
into the settings of either version.  In 7.0, in options/basics, uncheck the 
box that says, "run Jaws when windows starts."  Now, go into Jaws 9.0 and go 
through the same steps, only check the box that says, "run Jaws when windows 
starts."  This will ensure that Jaws 9.0 is the version that launches when 
the computer starts.  To my knowledge, there is no hotkey that will tell you 
what version of Jaws is currently running.
----- Original Message ----- 
From: "Victor" <>
To: <>
Sent: Monday, February 02, 2009 6:04 AM
Subject: Re: [Blind-Computing] question

Hello Lino,

I'm afraid that keystroke only tells you the version of Microsoft Windows
you're running, not the version of Jaws.

Also, the icon on the desktop doesn't tell you anything if you've got both
versions installed, as both icons will be on the desktop once you install
the other versions.

Not everyone uninstalls the older version Lino.

To get the version of Jaws you're running, you have to press insert+J, then
up arrow to about, and the ensuing dialog box will tell you which version of
Jaws you're running.

Sorry for the improper subject line, but I didn't want people getting
confused with the keystroke Lino outlined, and the original question.

Sorry Rick.

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