Hello Shannon;

give these steps a try;

note, you will need your external drive connected to your PC.

1, navigate to OE.

2, press alt+f=file.

3, up-arrow until you hear, "import sub-menu. press enter, or right arrow to open.
or, you could just press the letter i=import.

4, you should land on, "addressbook....", press enter.

5, now, you need to tab until you hear; "look in combo box" it's probably set at my documents.

6,  down arrow until you hear/find the name of your external drive.

7,  now tab until you hear the folder list-view.

8, you now need to find your addressbook.

9, once you have your addressbook highlighted, tab to open, press enter.
note, as your tabbing to the open button, you will hear the name of your addressbook, example; addressbook.wab

10, when you enter on the open button, the import process will begin.

I hope this helps.

----- Original Message ----- From: "shannon" <bookreade...@sbcglobal.net>
To: <blind-computing@jaws-users.com>
Sent: Monday, March 23, 2009 9:42 AM
Subject: [Blind-Computing] retrieving address book

I am using Windows XP home edition with jaws 6.2. Due to having to replaced the mother board in my PC I need to go to retrieve a backup address book for outlook express that I have on an external hard drive. Could someone direct me to steps to do this or to a site where I can find the steps please.
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