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CCB Free Computer Literacy Courses
              Canadian Council of the Blind and Neil Squire Society now 
offer basic computer literacy and employability training for blind and 
              These services are designed to equip blind and 
visually-impaired Canadians with the skills they need to access competitive 
employment, education,
or training.  These services are offered at no charge to participants.
              These services include:
                a.. basic computer skills training with the use of assistive 
technology - e.g. JAWS
                b.. life skills and career development training
                c.. personalized career coaching and job search assistance
              Basic computer and assistive technology services are 
facilitated in a physical classroom by a blind instructor.  Each session is 
limited to
10 participants.
              Life skills and career development services are offered in 
both a physical classroom and in a self-paced, web-based format.
              For more information or to register, please contact Derek 
Wilson at Neil Squire Society by telephone at 1-877-673-4636 or email
or contact Mike Potvin with Canadian Council of the Blind at 1-877-304-0968 
or email

Richard Q. Justice-list moderator 

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