This message should have never been posted to the list.
If you have a problem with someone's signature, or tag line,then take it up 
with them off-list.
If you think it is inappropriate for the list, then contact the management 
team in the proper manner.
If you don't want to hear the particular line at the bottom of the message, 
then make a change in your screen-reader's dictionary, and move on!
That ends this discussion!
Richard Q. Justice-list moderator

----- Original Message ----- 
From: "Charline Smith" <>
To: <>
Sent: Friday, October 02, 2009 10:46 AM
Subject: Re: [Blind-Computing] JAWS Not Saying Attachment

On 10/1/09, Donnie Parrett <> wrote:
> When I get an email with an attachment, JAWS will say the word attachment 
> to
> let me know that there
> is something attached.  After the email has been open and remains in my in
> box, when I go to that
> email again, JAWS does not say the word attachment.  It just says dot dot
> and then the sender's name
> and the subject of the email.  JAWS used to always say attachment if there
> was something attached,
> whether the email had been opened or not.  Can someone please tell me how 
> to
> correct this?  I am
> using Outlook and JAWS 9.
> Thanks,
> Donnie
> ~~~~~
> Please join us on Skype Monday thru Friday at 8:00 EST for our Morning 
> Skype
> Prayer Time.
> Also, follow my tweets on Twitter @
> Contact Me At:
> Donnie Parrett
> 1956 Asa Flat Road
> Annville, Kentucky  40402
> Home Phone:  606-364-3321
> Church Phone:  606-364-PRAY
> Skype Name:  Donnie1261
> Email:
> For answers to frequently asked questions about this list visit:
This is just a thought off the top of my head, but should the list not
be as neutral as possible.  I personally think all religions should be
left out of this discussion  board.  I am not aginst religion if that
is what you wish   to persue I just don't want that to be bart of  a
signature line that I encounter not only once but twice when trying to
read  a messege..  There are plenty of discussion boards that catered
to those type of things and I am sure they can appriciate your passion
.   Charline

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