Hello friends; 
Not sure if it was on this list, but some time ago a member posted a registry 
fix for resetting the exit count in Outlook Express from 100 to zero thus 
eliminating the message prompt to compact messages. I would be very grateful if 
some one could repost the instructions if it is available.
I know that there are more stable alternatives to Outlook Express, but I have 
some important message I need to retrieve before making the switch. And because 
of my slow dial-up connection and heavy work schedule, I have amassed well in 
excess of 40 thousand emails. Of course I would not be able to read all of 
them, but really need to retrieve the ones that are important to me.
And if possible, would appreciate if some one on this list could provide me 
with further instructions as to where I could find the messages that Outlook 
Express have put the compacted messages into.
Thanks in advance for your help.
Remember, seven days WITHOUT GOD... Makes one weak!!!
Steve Boodram.
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