     My college is trying to convert all their online classes to PDF textbooks 
that can be down loaded directly from the class website. This would be great 
accept the type of PDF books they are using are Image PDF not Text based PDF. 
They recommended I buy open book or kurzwel  to convert the documents. I do not 
have that type of money on hand. Besides the PDF documents are password 
protected. I don't know of any OCR that will work with protected PDF. So, 
presuming the college cannot find another option, How do I deal with these PDF 
Textbooks. They are even worse then the regular print one's. At least the OCR 
software I have can scan those. The person at the college is doing their best 
but they appear to have limited resources. Well, any way I would appreciate any 
ideas on how to over come the document conversion issue.

God bless,
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