Obviously, you have figured out how to make rss feeds work. A few months ago
someone posted on this list a "how-to" for RSS feeds. Either I didn't
understand the message or I am missing a step.

Since you have been successful at creating and reading rss feeds, could you
tell us how to do it?

-----Original Message-----
From: blind-computing-boun...@jaws-users.com
[mailto:blind-computing-boun...@jaws-users.com] On Behalf Of Gerald Levy
Sent: Saturday, February 06, 2010 10:44 AM
To: blind-computing
Subject: [Blind-Computing] Feeds Slowing Down Web Page Loading

Hi listers.  I am an RSS feeds junkie, and use the feed reader built into IE
8 to read the more than 100 feeds to which I am subscribed.  When I first
launch IE 8 after I turn on my PC in the morning, web pages load quickly
without a hitch.  But after I finish scrolling through my feeds list and
checking those marked as "new", web page loading slows down to the point
where pages either don't finish loading at all or I get the dreaded
"Internet Explorer Cannot Display the Web Page" error.  Nothing I have tried
seems to resolve this issue, including running C-Cleaner, clearing the DNS
cache, changing my DNS server and running all manner of malware scans.  The
only thing that restores IE 8 to normal is rebooting.  So my question is
this:  Is there any way to restore IE to the "pristine" condition it is in
after my PC is booted without actually having to reboot every time I
experience sluggish web page loading?  I am running XP Pro with JAWS 9.

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