System update will do it again, but if you check, that you don't want see
for updating this file, you must download from the Microsoft website and
install it alone.
But I think, that it isn't problem of IE 6, for saving a pdf file, normally
go with tab not with arrow keys to the link of PDF, Pres context menu or
shift.+f10 and save target as.

With best regards,
   Marek Durila

IBM Global Services Delivery Center Czech Republic, s.r.o., Sídlo: Brno,
Technická 2995/21, PSC 61600
IC: 26244535, Zapsaná v obchodním rejstríku, vedeném Krajským soudem v Brne
oddíl C, vložka 39922
IBM Global Services Delivery Center Czech Republic, s.r.o., Registered
address: Brno, Technicka 2995/21, Zip code: 61600
Company ID: 26244535, Entered in the Commercial Register maintained by the
Regional Court in Brno (Part C, Entry 39922)

             "Pedro Romero"                                                
             net>                                                       To 
             Sent by:                  "Blind Computing list"              
             blind-computing-b         <blind-computing@jaws-users.com>    
             oun...@jaws-users                                          cc 
                                       [Blind-Computing] How to upgrade to 
             09/02/2010 07:09          I E 8                               
             Please respond to                                             

Hello all. I recently received a link to a PDF file I could not open and I
suspect it is because I still use I E 6. I'm needing to upgrade to version
8 and I'm wondering how to go about this. Thanks for any suggestions.
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