
I'm interested in programming, mostly for myself, but am willing to
share  with any other DOS users out there.  I like proceedural
languages, where you write out all the steps that a computer must take
to do things and I naturally prefer the cli and tui interfaces with
commands, hotkeys and easy-to-use menus.  I don't like object-oriented
languages, particularly graphical ones as I like a more straight
forward approach both as a user and as a programmer.  I've just
started learning batch programming, since I was told this would be an
easy way for me to learn the basics.  I'm really excited about the
many ways in which I can customise my machine and can't wait to learn
how to use this powerful language to do all sorts of things.  I had
planned on learning QuickBASIC, either during or after the batch
programming, but today, someone recommended that I should learn
FreeBASIC for DOS.  Has anyone worked with this language?  If so, what
are the main differences between it and QB and what are the benefits
of using it?  Does it have it's own built-in compiler and if so, how
accessible is it?  If not, then can you recommend a compiler for it
that will work with a screen reader like VocalEyes?  Is it anything
like Visual BASIC?  Wikipedia has the Hello World program written in
BASIC, QuickBASIC and Visual BASIC and the latter totally confused me.
 I'd much rather something similar to QB.  Also, has anyone here
worked with DBASE and Clipper?  I'm considering learning that as well.
 It might be really early to ask this, but can anyone give me some
general tips on making my programs accessible?  I know that I have to
write to the bios and not to the screen but am not sure if this will
be an issue with the languages that I'll be using.  Finally, can I
create a tsr with said languages?


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