The JAWS help states that this capability is performed by the same combination:

Say Active Cursor ALT+DELETE

I guess I should have stated that on a desktop, it would also be Alt + Delete. Either Delete key will work. The proper key really is Delete rather than Period on the NumPad since the NumLock must be in the off state.

Don Marang

From: "ijemmer Ramos" <>
Sent: Friday, July 30, 2010 3:36 AM
To: <>
Subject: Re: [Blind-Computing] Having JFW tell you how far down a web pageyouare

Does it have an equivalent shortcut key in laptop keyboard layout?

On 7/30/10, Donald Marang <> wrote:
The Alt + NumPad Period key combination comes in handy for this. It reports
line, character position, and percent onn a webpage and probably most
documents.  It will also announce cursor state and position when in other
circumstances, including when using the JAWS or Invisible cursor.

Don Marang

From: "Frank Ventura" <>
Sent: Friday, July 30, 2010 2:24 AM
To: <>
Subject: [Blind-Computing] Having JFW tell you how far down a web page

Hi all, does anyone know how to get JFW to report either what line on a
web page you are on (for example line 4 of 101) or what percentage of
the way down a page you are at?


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