Lol. Gerald, I thought the same thing. I am sixty and people in their 40's are young in my book. ----- Original Message ----- From: "Gerald Levy" <>
To: <>
Sent: Friday, September 10, 2010 3:41 PM
Subject: Re: [Blind-Computing] Upgrading from XP to Windows 7

The "elderly" members of your family are in their 40's? I guess that makes me a doddering old geezer at the age of 60.


----- Original Message ----- From: "chris hallsworth" <>
To: <>
Sent: Friday, September 10, 2010 4:32 PM
Subject: Re: [Blind-Computing] Upgrading from XP to Windows 7

No I completely understand that. Me and my sister both use Windows 7, but my elderly members of my family are using XP, simply because I didn't want them to learn a whole new operating system as they are in their 40's! They just want to turn on a computer, surf the web, turn off again. That's all. So thought why not go for XP as it's something they're used to. They have both a desktop and a netbook running XP Home and they're happy with it.

From Chris H in Derbyshire

On 10/09/2010 21:19, Marilyn Walker wrote:
Chris, it is all a matter of opinion. Most of us are not computer experts
or developers or geeks or whatever.  If xp is working for many of us it
seems sort of silly to change and spend all that money just to say you have the latest of whatever. I have college teacher friends who are being forced into windows 7 at work (the college skipped Vista for good reason) and they are having fits about the new stuff. I don't see that Microsoft or anyone else takes into consideration that a lot of already harried educators keep getting slammed into all the new stuff whether it is necessary to do it or not. THen constant Blackboard upgrades enter the mix with the end result that all their time is devoted to computer hassles rather than to teaching students history, literature and the other things that they are in college to learn. Just my opinion. In my former life, I was quite able to teach just fine with chalk, walk and talk. I'm not convinced that all the newest technology can substitute for that unless one such as we cannot see without
the technology.  If xp serves one well, he or she could do worse than to
change until forced to do so.
What exactly, is so great about windows 7?  Marilyn
----- Original Message -----
From: "chris hallsworth"<>
Sent: Friday, September 10, 2010 1:43 PM
Subject: Re: [Blind-Computing] Upgrading from XP to Windows 7

: Hum, what do you exactly mean by this? Nothing is better than Windows 7
: so far.
: From Chris H in Derbyshire
: On 10/09/2010 19:36, Francis E. Khan wrote:
:>  Thank you for the information.  By 2014 we might be able to get
:>  something better than Windows 7.
:>  ----- Original Message ----- From: "Marilyn Walker"
:>  To:<>
:>  Sent: Friday, September 10, 2010 2:33 PM
:>  Subject: Re: [Blind-Computing] Upgrading from XP to Windows 7
:>> Why would you want to do that? XP will be supported into 2014 and I am :>> sticking with it because it has been a super operating system for me.
:>>  of my nephews is the networking director of an important midwestern
:>>  university medical school and he has urged me to stick witih xp as
:>>  long as I
:>>  can. Marilyn
:>>  ----- Original Message ----- From: "Francis E. Khan"
:>>  To: "Blind Computing"<>
:>>  Sent: Friday, September 10, 2010 1:26 PM
:>>  Subject: [Blind-Computing] Upgrading from XP to Windows 7
:>>  :I am using XP and wonder whether I can upgrade to Version 7. Do I
:>>  need to
:>> purchase an upgrade or do I have to purchase a full version of Windows
:>>  : For answers to frequently asked questions about this list visit:
:>>  :
:>>  For answers to frequently asked questions about this list visit:
:>  For answers to frequently asked questions about this list visit:
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