Hi heather;

First , I have never tried importing an address book with a " .CSB " file 
extension.  So, I will give you the steps to import & export the address 
book in " .WAB " format.  " WAB " stands for Windows Address Book.

To export your address book;
1. While in Outlook Express press control, shift, + B to open the address
2. Press Alt + F for the file menu & press the letter E for export or arrow 
down to export and press enter.
3. A dialogue box opens that says Address Book (WAB), press enter .
4. Another box opens, it is an edit field, you want to type in what you want 
to name the
Address Book but, whatever you name it, make sure you put the " .wab "
extension at the end of the name.
5. Tab to " Save in ", arrow up or down and highlight My Documents.  .  Then 
tab to save, and press spacebar / enter.  Your address book has now been 
saved in My Documents.

To import the address book;
1. With Outlook Express open press control, shift, + B to open the address 
2. Press Alt + F to open the file menu.
3. Press the letter I for import or arrow down to import and press enter.
4. A box will open and there are 3 choices in here.  Address Book (WAB), 
Business Card (vCard), & Other Address Book.  Make sure that you have 
Address Book.wab highlighted and press enter.
5. Now tab to " Look In ". Arrow up or down to My Documents, since this is 
where you exported your address book to.  With My Documents highlighted, tab 
3 times and Jaws will read "Folder view, List view ."  Now, arrow down to 
whatever you named your " .WAB " file and press enter on it.  This import 
process begins and you will get a notification when it is done.  It only 
takes a few seconds.  When it is finished press enter / spacebar on the " 
Okay " button and, you are done.

Hope this helps.  Take care.

----- Original Message ----- 
From: "heather kd5cbl" <kd5...@gmail.com>
To: <blind-computing@jaws-users.com>
Sent: Wednesday, September 15, 2010 2:42 PM
Subject: [Blind-Computing] importing addresses

Hello, my friend saved my address book for me but, I want to know how to
import them to outlook express, if at all possible!  It is saved as: Address
Book.csv.  Any tips would be appreciated!  Heather

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