It usually means that a script running on the page you are opening is buggy. IE will ask you whether you would like to continue reading the page or running the script. The options will be Yes and No. If you choose No, Internet Explorer will stop the script and display the text. If you choose Yes, it will try to reload the page: but unless this problem is solved, it will continue to throw that error. This is helpful for programmers who may wish to catch an error (an exception), they have to know at which line of their script that error was generated. Since you are just the end user, just choose No and notify the list owner for the error. Try to select all the text on the page (CTRL+A) and copy it. When you are reporting the error to the list owner, just tell her or him of this anomaly and paste the contents of the complaint.

A script is just a small program hosted by another program: in this case Internet Explorer is hosting the program being run. This is done to extend the usability of the page you will be reading. Useful for cases like interactive display.
Hope this helps.

By the way, I am glad to know that there is a list for blind Catholics. Can you send me the address for subscription to this list? You can do that offline using this address or my other address



On 9/25/2010 7:38 AM, ROSEMARIE CHAVARRIA wrote:
Hi, everyone,

I'm on the blind Catholics list and when I try to read emails from that group, I get an 
error message that says something like "internet explorer error. yes button, not 
button". What does this mean? If it means having to upgrade to a higher version of 
internet explorer, I can't because I'm using an older version of Jaws.

Any help will be very much appreciated.

Many thanks in advance.


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