Hello There,
sounds like you're forgetting the control key. Try moving cursor to beginning 
of word, hold the control key as well as the shift and right arrow key.
BTW: I have the same keyboard, but higher level for media and games and all 
works ok as far as selecting text.

Best Regards, Cornell

> From: ccfe...@swbell.net
> To: blind-computing@jaws-users.com
> Date: Wed, 12 Jan 2011 07:58:17 -0600
> Subject: [Blind-Computing] Can't select text by word with Logitech keyboard
> Hi. My Logitech MK-300 wireless keyboard was wearing out, so I bought a
> new one: the Logitech MK-320.
> I'm having a problem when it comes to selecting text by word. I hold down
> shift + JAWS key + numpad right arrow to select the word but it doesn't
> move. It just sits there. I can, however, select by character with shift +
> numpad right arrow no problem. But that takes forever when I'm trying to
> select a block of text.
> I did a little experiment, and I tried selecting a word with Shift + JAWS
> key + the actual right arrow key located to the left of the numpad and that
> worked. Too bad that finger combination is so awkward. So, for some
> reason, the arrows on the numpad don't work when I attempt to select a word.
> I don't know if this is something that the keyboard has a conflict with or
> what. Perhaps there's a button that I need to press to allow the numpad to
> work properly with JAWS, I'm not sure. The reason I suspect that might not
> be the case is because every great once in a while, it will actually go
> through and allow me to at least select one word, but that's it.
> This is rather annoying as I am editing, copying, or cutting text. I'm not
> sure what to try. Anyone have any ideas on why this might be happening?
> I plugged the old Logitech keyboard back in to compare, and it works just
> fine as before, not having a problem selecting text. Then I plugged the new
> keyboard back in and it still won't select text by word. Very odd.
> It's almost the exact same keyboard, just a newer model, so I don't know
> what's going on. By the way, this occurs with both the left arrow as well
> as the right arrow on the numpad.
> I'm using JAWS 11 and Windows 7 home edition. I hope some of you computer
> people can navigate me through these waters because I'm lost on what to do.
> Thank you.
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