Another thing you could then try - if you can't find a reset settings to default type button in the various jaws settings dialogues is just rerun their installations, using the repair function therein, since that generally undoes any settings changes, and see if this helps at all.

Maybe just try it with the older jaws 11 at first, or something to see if it does anything at all.

Also, and most likely a silly question, but have you made sure the word, etc. windows are in fact maximised - alt + space key combo followed by letter X while in that window.

Then also, just to make sure you could try things like jaws key + escape key to refresh screen view, and maybe also jaws key + ctrl + escape key to refresh scripts, etc.

Stay well

Jacob Kruger
Blind Biker
Skype: BlindZA
'...fate had broken his body, but not his spirit...'

----- Original Message ----- From: "Niamh" <>
To: <>
Sent: Monday, February 28, 2011 10:15 PM
Subject: Re: [Blind-Computing] Jaws Reading Function

it is a  problem with both jaws 11 eleven and twelve.
I am beginning to think that is a problem with word and outlook.
it is so strange.

----- Original Message ----- From: "Jacob Kruger" <>
To: <>
Sent: Monday, February 28, 2011 8:00 PM
Subject: Re: [Blind-Computing] Jaws Reading Function

Have you tried restarting jaws/the computer as such?

Also, does it still read buttons, textboxes, and/or windows components/parts to you when navigating the user interface?

In other words, is it just an issue when reading editable text as such?

Aside from that, what version of jaws, and have you maybe just had a look through the jaws key + V dialogue to see if there's anything obvious turned off?

Stay well

Jacob Kruger
Blind Biker
Skype: BlindZA
'...fate had broken his body, but not his spirit...'

----- Original Message ----- From: "Niamh" <>
To: <>
Sent: Monday, February 28, 2011 3:43 PM
Subject: [Blind-Computing] Jaws Reading Function

   I  am sorry all, but what have I  done?
I  suddenly can't get Jaws to read anything back to me.
I  can here this message as I  input it but I  can't read it back.
Similarly in word processing, any function which requires me to read back what I have written.
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