When you uninstall a program, often there are parts left over in the
directory it installs in. I guess this is so that if people want to
resurrect old settings, and install the program at a later time, they
can do that. All you have to do is go into the directory where it was
installed, usually C:\Program Files\whatever the name of the program
is. If it's not under the name, in this case Station Playlist Studio,,
it will be under the name of the company that created it. When you
find that folder, just delete it, and try installing the program
This is what's referred to as a clean install and can solve many
problems with programs when they just stop working right for whatever

On 4/4/11, Chris Feist <ccfe...@swbell.net> wrote:
> Hi.  I was trying out the demo for Station Playlist Studio V4.33.  It did a
> bad install, or is buggy or something, because it wouldn't let me add my
> music library.  Then it would lock up, etc.
> So, I chose to uninstall so I could reinstall it to see if that would help.
> However, when I uninstalled the program, I got this message:
> Station Playlist Studio uninstall complete.
> Some elements could not be removed. These can be removed manually.
> OK
> My question is how do I do that?
> The reason is because I did tried a reinstall without knowing how to do
> that, and it retained personal data from before, plus the same problem
> remained.  I need to somehow wipe all the data from that program but don't
> know how.
> I'm thinking of just giving up on the demo and shelling out the money for
> the actual standard version outright.  That or just giving up on this
> program all together.  It's been a major headache.  I hadn't been this
> discouraged about a computer program in a long time.  Sorry about being a
> downer.  I'm just really discouraged right now.
> Chris Feist - The one and only!
> "Don't walk behind me I will not lead, don't walk in front of me I will not
> follow, just walk beside me and be my friend." - Author unknown
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