Did you read the English text?
The text at the top is in Swedish and the English text (translated using Google 
translate) follows below the Swedish text.
But the English text doesn't make much sense...

In short what Bardia is trying to say is that his computer is behaving very 
strange after installing NVDA.
Something weird is going on when he closed NVDA and started JAWS and 
Thunderbird again after the installation of NVDA.
JAWS worked just fine with Thunderbird prior to installing NVDA.
All other programs are still working normally.
He tried reinstalling Thunderbird, JAWS and NVDA but still no go.
No more details regarding what's going on with Thunderbird and JAWS is given.

-----Original Message-----
From: blind-computing-boun...@jaws-users.com 
[mailto:blind-computing-boun...@jaws-users.com] On Behalf Of David Ferrin
Sent: 7. mai 2011 14:37
To: blind-computing@jaws-users.com
Subject: Re: [Blind-Computing] problem with jaws and thunderbird but not 

David Ferrin
When they turn the pages of history, when these days have past long ago, 
will they read of us with sadness or the seeds that we let grow?
----- Original Message ----- 
From: "Bardia" <bardiazak...@gmail.com>
To: <blind-computing@jaws-users.com>
Sent: Saturday, May 07, 2011 5:12 AM
Subject: [Blind-Computing] problem with jaws and thunderbird but not 


Jag har  thunder bird i min dator.
raderade windows live mail för den var inte så bra.
Men helt plötsligt när jag installerade nvda idag så  blev min dator
konstigt i thunderbird när jag  byttetillbaka till jaws.
jaws fungerar  i övrigt i alla program.
och nvda med så  de  är bara i thunderbird.
har prövat me äldre version av thundrbird.
och  flera gånger att avinstalera jaws och nvda  och  thunderbird men
fått samma resultat.
vad kan ha gått fel?
jag  tycker de är konstigt.
  datorn fungerar bra i övrigt.
det är windows 7 här jag använder.
jag hoppas det löser sig.
så skriv ordentligt hur jag ska göra.
nu kan jag ju lösa de me att hajaws-marcören för attt läsa tills så länge.
men  tror ni det går me att gröa systemåterställning på datorn  i
tillbehöver systemverktyg eller att  thunderbirdproblemet kvarstår
mvhBardia som   tänker sova. det löser sig nog imorgon.
----------- i  use google translate.
Översättning från svenska till engelska

I have thunderbird on my computer.
deleted windows live mail because it was not so good.
But suddenly when I installed NVDA today so was my computer
strange in thunderbird when I switched back to JAWS.
JAWS works in general in any application.
and NVDA with as they are only in thunderbird.
examined me earlier version of thundrbird.
and several times to Uninstall JAWS and NVDA and thunderbird but
obtained the same results.
what might have gone wrong?
I think they're weird.
   computer works fine otherwise.
it's Windows 7 here I use.
I hope it resolves itself.
so write properly how to do.
Now I can solve me that hajaws-marc cents for attt read until so long.
but do you think it is me that Groa system restore on the computer in
to the needs of system utilities or the thunderbird problem persists
  regards.  Bardia who thinks sleep. it dissolves probably tomorrow.

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