Dear Friends,
Here is a solution to that problem from another very computer knowledgeable and very credible person which I found on another list.

I think he is on this list also, so Mike sorry, but I forgot if you are on this list!
My brain starting to turn to grape Jelly!

With Best Regards,
Miami, Florida
Alan Dicey, President
United States Braille Chess Association - USBCA
"Yes, Blind and Visually Impaired People, Can, and Do, Play Chess!"
United States Braille Chess Association Home Page:

Solution to problem:

When you do a CCleaner update, when you get to , Install,do not press enter or spacebar yet! This is where the option to install the Google Chrome or the Google Toolbar lies. When you get to, Install, route the Jaws cursor to the PC cursor, press the Pageup key to go to the top of page, arrow down 1 line at a time until you hear, Google Chrome or Google Toolbar checkbox is checked. Now, use your left / right arrows to find the checkbox, & use your left mouse button to uncheck the box. Now, you can go back to the PC cursor , & press enter / spacebar to Install the CCleaner update. Hope this helps. Take care.

----- Original Message ----- From: "Alan Dicey" <>
To: <>
Sent: Sunday, May 08, 2011 10:02 AM
Subject: [Blind-Computing] Warning for cCleaner users

Dear Friends,
I received this message today, on another list from a person I consider very reliable and knowledgeable about using computers, and JAWS.

I hope this will help some one avoid a problem.

With Best Regards,
Miami, Florida
Alan Dicey, President
United States Braille Chess Association - USBCA
"Yes, Blind and Visually Impaired People, Can, and Do, Play Chess!"
United States Braille Chess Association Home Page:

Last night, I decided to check for cCleaner updates. I downloaded and
installed the update, and found out it came together with Google Chrome
browser. Although Chrome showed up when I browsed the last screen of
installation dialog with the JAWS cursor, but there appeared to be no
checkbox to opt out of installing the browser. So, when cCleaner finished
installing, I found Chrome on my computer. I uninstalled it through
"programs and features", removed the remnant folders from program files, and
continued my work as usual. But when I attempted to activate a link in an
e-mail message, the following message popped up:

This operation has been canceled due to restrictions in effect on this
computer. Please contact your system administrator.

I checked if Internet Explorer was my default browser. It wasn't, so I made
it default. I restarted the computer, but when I entered a link in an
e-mail, I still got the same error. Apparently, Chrome makes changes to the
registry that don't get undone by simply uninstalling Chrome, and the
computer gets stack in the gray zone of "no browser". The only thing that
helped was a system restore. Today, I decided to try updating cCleaner
again. I figured, I would make Internet Explorer my default browser and only then uninstall Chrome, and hope this would resolve the problem I encountered last night. It didn't work, I still got the error message and had to restore
the system. So, unless there is a way to troubleshoot or circumvent this
issue, I would recommend to stay away from updating cCleaner.

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