
Concerning your questtion, you should know that goldWave uses three different play buttons; each one of them plays from a different spot in the file. One plays the file from the beginning regardless of where the markers are located. The other plays the area between the markers and the third plays only from the current cursor location. Those buttons are accessed from the keyboard using the F2, F3 and F3 keys. I guess that you have used only F4 or space bar to play the file. Try the other buttons to notice the difference!

I hope that helps

"We never value what we have until we lose it!"
Skype: hamidgeni
Twitter: hamidgeni

On 13/05/2011 19:14, Chris Feist wrote:
HI.  I'm having difficulty jumping to a particular spot in a large file
while in Gold Wave.  I've tried the following and it doesn't work.

I do a shift E.  Then in the start marker edit field I input the time within
the file I'm wanting to jump to.  I save that, then I hit the space bar to
play.  However, it always starts playing at the beginning of the file, not
where the start marker is.  In fact, no matter where the start marker is, it
always seems to begin play at the beginning of the file.

This is with the latest version of Gold Wave, by the way.  Not sure how to
proceed.  Any tips?  As it is, I have to fast forward to get to where I
want, even in a huge file.  Thank you.

Chris Feist - The one and only!

"Don't walk behind me I will not lead, don't walk in front of me I will not
follow, just walk beside me and be my friend." - Author unknown

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