
Try if

alt+shift+f4(twice quickly)

will still exit skype. The above hotkey was in the skype scripts a while back when the system tray was not accessible to screenreaders. Otherwise you can always shut skype from task manager (ctrl+shift+escape to bring up task manager)

I am not sure, though, what your question has to do with the mesage you quote.

Take care ...


At 10:05 AM 7/26/2011, you wrote:
Anyone found a way to actually close Skype 5.3? I see no settings that allow it to toggle minimize/Close when closing. Some programs will give an option to minimize when Alt F4 or "Close" in the system menu. Perhaps I just need to go back to 5.2 ?


On 7/26/2011  05:39 AM Niamh said...
Hi all,
I am using Jaws 12.
I am now developing good Braille skills.
Can anybody  recommend  a site for buying used items?
The new products are prohibitively expensive.
PS I am in the UK.
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Brad Dunse

A bone to the dog is not charity. Charity is the bone shared with the dog, when you are just as hungry as the dog. --Jack London




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