When copying the formula, just press Control + c as normal. Now select the cells or range of cells, hit the Applications key and hit Enter on Paste Special. A dialog will appear with several radio buttons asking what you want to paste. Select Formulas Only and hit Enter.

*Don Marang*
Vinux Software Development Coordinator - vinuxproject.org <http://www.vinuxproject.org/> There is just so much stuff in the world that, to me, is devoid of any real substance, value, and content that I just try to make sure that I am working on things that matter.
-- Dean Kamen

On 8/17/2011 6:03 PM, Cliff Smales wrote:
I'd like to copy a formula into a chosen range of cells, on my spreadsheet.

When I try to select the cell in which the formula appears, to copy it, nothing 

Is there a way to sellect a written formula for copying to the clipboard.

I'm using excel 2003.

Cliff Smales
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