Dear List Members,

I write for this list first time so let me present myself to you. I am
a visual impaired (blind) programmer (aged 33) from Hungary; it's a
Central-European country. Nowadays I'm mainly coding in PHP, but
earlier I programmed in Perl for a while.

I use Win XP and JAWS for Windows screen reader.

The question which I apply to you is following:
I am looking for a PHP editor, or an editor
being able to edit PHP code which has auto indentation feature.
I tried out Komodo Edit 6 from Active state but JAWS didn't announce
letters or lines moving with cursor in editor and didn't announce
selected text using shift + arrow keys and JAWS key + shift + down
arrow, as well. I tried to turn off "Code Intelligence" that means
auto completion and other useful things, it didn't help.
I Googled for Komodo Edit and screen reader use and searched for this
app at which is a very good site but unfortunately I
did not find anything about it. Pls if anybody has experience with
this editor or knows any instructions about setting it to work with
JAWS better write it.

All the same I don't adhere to Komodo Edit. I would be glad of
somebody could offer me any alternative, e.g. another editor which has
auto indentation feature and works well or tolerable with JAWS.

I need this feature because of sighted colleagues find a source not
indented very ugly and hard to understand but correct indentation
helps me to identify how many level I stay in code reviewing it, too.
For this time I used Notepad built in Windows and made indentation
manually writing spaces at beginning of lines but I found it was a
very uncomfortable and slow solution and I liked to find a better one.

Thanks for you in advance.

Best regards,


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