Windows Live Mail seems to be a very different animal. I've encountered what I thought is exactly what you're running into except that I started using "Select All" in any given field, cutting it out, then saving (pasting) the contents of the save to a notepad session. Then, going into Notepad and pasting that data to that application, I was able to edit the particular field at will -- but you need to leave your cursor in the Windows Live Mail contact edit at the location where you got the editted info in the first place. Then, from Notepad, make desired changes, Select the new value and cut it from the Notepad session and returning to Windows Live Mail to paste the new information in that field.

The other thing you mentioned is you're having difficulty getting focus on the correct contact; seems you are there but when you go to select edit another contact comes up, right? Well, just keep bankging on the SPACE Bar, and repeatedldy route the JAWS Key to the PC Key and visa versa. I don't know which try works, but it seems to get true focus on the correct contact.
Holland's Person, Bill
- Words that soak into your ears are whispered, not yelled.
- source unknown

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