Hi Mitch. I hope you can read this message.

Hopefully your volume has gotten turned down or muted. Otherwise, the update 
may have done something to your sound card.

To see if your volume has gotten turned down do the following (you'll have 
to do this without speech, so be extra careful).
1. Press windowsKey+r to invoke the run dialog.
2. Type sndvol32 which brings up the volume control.
3. Hit tab once to get passed the balance control.
4. Hit your home key and see if that gives you sound.
5. If it doesn't, hit the end key to see if that does. For some reason I've 
had both keys work on different computers.
6. Hit alt+f4 to close out the volume control.

If you can get sighted assistance, run steps 1 and 2 above and see if they 
can see anything wrong (check the wave volume as that may also be turned 

Hope this helps.

----- Original Message ----- 
From: "Mich Verrier" <mi...@eastlink.ca>
To: "blind-computing @jaws-users.com" <blind-computing@jaws-users.com>
Sent: Thursday, December 01, 2011 3:35 AM
Subject: [Blind-Computing] no sound at startup on windows xp

Hi all. tonight I was listening to a book in winamp and then I re started my 
pc and now there is no sound coming up. I hear no windows start up sounds 
and no jaws. what can I do to get my sounds back? I am running jaws 12 
windows xp and the last thing I did before re booting was stop the book and 
re boot the pc. I have tried shutting it down using the power button and the 
power bar and each time I re started it I don't hear the windows start up 
sound and there is no jaws. it is not grinding away or anything it is just 
sitting there and I can't even get narrator to open or nvda. The last 
install I did was a ms high priority update I think it was office 2007 or 
maybe 2010 and when I was dun downloading the update it said that I had to 
re start the pc and I said no that I would start it later and when I re 
started tonight this is what happened. many thanks for any help that any one 
can give me with this. It could also be that my sounds got muted some how as 
well. well I hope some one hear can help. from Mich.
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