Once you have found viruses on your hard drive, there is no way to be
100% certain that it has been permanently removed!  It may recover the
drive to a level that you are comfortable, but it can not be considered
clean.  If you are willing to expend so much energy on these tools, you
might find your time better spent formatting the hard drive,
reinstalling XP and all of your applications.  I don't like the sound of
that task either, so I make a backup of the disk image once it it has
the system the way I want. 

*Don Marang*
Vinux Package Development Coordinator - vinuxproject.org

On 7/16/2012 8:59 AM, Jay Phinnemore wrote:
> Hi all, I just want to let you all know that it seems that I have this old
> XP machine running at top shape now. After running MSE, MRT, Auslogics boost
> speed and now just finished running Spybot S and D, Which the last found 18
> pieces of malware including trogens, This computer is running really fast
> now. It started in less than 45 seconds this morning from a dead stop to
> Jaws up and running ready to go. For an old 10 year old computer, I think I
> have it now running pretty good. I don't know if it would make any sense or
> not, would any of you suggest including 1 more piece of malware removing
> software? I am thinking of Malware bites I think it has a free version but
> not sure. I want to be protected enough but not over do it either. Your
> suggestions would be great.
> Jay
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