Hello Listers, I am having a problem with my Email Accounts. I am using
Outlook 2010. I have Windows 7 and I use Jaws 13.

I have 3 Email accounts and for some strange reasons all of a sudden one of
the emailing list that I am subscribed is sending the messages to my other
email account. I don't know why it happened because I have never sent emails
from that email address and the owner of the list told me that I was an no
mail. I never put myself on no mail either. I just don't know what happened!
By the way, the Emailing list is a Google group. My other email address is a
Gmail address. Could that be the reason? I am subscribed with my Hotmail
address so, I just don't know why I am getting the messages from that list
to my Gmail instead to my Hotmail.

Is there a way to get  the messages to my Hotmail address again? Thank you
very much. I hope that I am making sense.

Laugh when you can,
apologize when you should,
and let go of what you can't change.
Life's too short to be anything... but happy.

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