   I forgot to mention the first time around that I am using JAWS 12, Win. 7
and Outlook 2010.
   Very often and for a long time now, when I open an e-mail message written
in plain text, I hear "type and text" rather than nothing and just having
the message read automatically as it once was. In other words I cannot read
the message as it stands and must go back and forth a few times to open and
close it until it reads normally and does not say, "type and or in text"
which is what I do not wish to do, but rather read the message
automatically. I think some setting must have slipped.
   Can anybody help me resolve this problem which wastes allot of my time
each day just trying to read e-mail? I do not wish to type anything, but
only read.
Thanks in advance for your ideas and help.

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