Hello inthane,

"You can get a robo-drive, its a 4 drive 3.5 inch drive unit that can use
various different raid like storage methods including ones that include
striping so that if a drive goes out in the unit you can plug in a
replacement drive and rebuild the lost drive from data in the stripes."

This sounds exactly like what I was looking for.
I don't care if it's on my network, as 99.999% of all file access will be
from my local system.
I *might* want to run an FTP Server at some point, but I can do that merely
by enabling FTP access to my laptop, and Sharing the drive(s) in question,
which amounts to the same thing.

I'll start sifting Fry's, NewEgg's, & TigerDirect's online catalogues for
which one has the best deal.
If I can pick up the enclosure for a reasonable price, then I can spend a
little more on larger HD's to put in it.
*Snoopy Happy Dance*

I'm interested in the Notebook (2.5") Drive Enclosure that does the same
thing, but the cost of Notebook HD's has to come down before I'll consider
I can get twice the space for the same cost by going Desktop (3.5") drives
versus Notebook, and that's not exactly something I can overlook at this
(Mad Scientist cackle: "I need more SPACE! You hear me? MOOOOORE SPAAAACE!
MUH HA HA HAhahahahahaha!")
*Coughs, gives a sheepish grin*

I hear you on sticking with the Name Brands.
I got burned before buying the El CheapO stuff, and I won't do that again.
Now I look for the best price on the Name Brands I can find, and go with
It may cost a little more in the begining, but it *saves* me money in the
long run by *not* having to buy a new one when the El Cheap O burns out.

I used to live in Sacramento, not too far from the Fry's there.
Now I live in Modesto, which isn't near anything but cows, Cowboy's, and

Thanks for the insight.
I'll go look for a RAID enabled Drive Enclosure instead.
(Leaves you a giant Chocolate Chip Cookie the size of your head in
gratitude, and wanders off to start surfing those sites...)


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