Using Outlook 2010, Win 7, Jaws 14. Similar to a recent post by someone
else, but not the same I don't think.  I've always had this and not sure if
it is  just something we need to deal with or not, but when arrowing down
through my mailboxes, sometimes I hear extra stuff. Like now I hear:

Inbox, copy
Outbox, copy
Blind computing, one unread message, copy
Drafts, copy

The other day instead of hearing copy at the backside of the box, I heard
something like paragraph, and other bits. Sometimes it is truncated stuff
and sometimes nothing extra is said at all.

Perhaps I'm missing  something in the screen reading optomization/settings
such as view options and such? Is there a step 1, 2, 3 someplace to follow
for a clean sweep? I'd made sure screen size is maximized, and also tried
Windows key left arrow,  and Windows key up arrow as well.



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