my current set of quest has the 5000 storage. it really was not that bad. 
think that last purchase on storage was like only 3.5 mil.
I don't buy, or unlock anything I don't need usually. Waste of money to me.

I too start by putting all 4 boosts slots into money bags. when done I have 
nearly 3 mil. I took that initial 1000 gold and bought the lumber yard. set 
up my first slot to log. then buy a 2nd slot and set it to lumber. this way 
I have a small supply of money coming in. Same thing for the farm. get that 
first slot up and running.

then, as Justin suggested,  its off to see what quests did I get and figure 
my strategy from there. This last set of quests required all 4 products for 
the farm. so I knew I would need a lot of slots in there. and since its 
ladders, and yes they do make a lot of gold but are so slow to produce, I 
knew I needed many slots in the lumber yard. So I then use 4 boosts in real 
estate mogul to set up as many production slots as I think I need. Then with 
the rest of the money I set up my automations.

As the money grows I increase my storage so I don't have to keep running to 
the city to sell stuff. or I purchase those higher priced buildings.

as it currently stands I have my estate to 100%. I looked at what it needed 
to upgrade and if I was close I just forged ahead and got the needed 
requirements for it and it has paid off.

here is a couple of very simple things I do:

1. I leave the game open if possible. if I hear of a chest I go grab it. If 
I have just come out of a place like castle, city, farm, or such I take a 
quick swipe up and down the world map to see if there is any chest just 
sitting there.

2. use those boosts slots wisely. don't use quick study to open just one 
production slot if all its gonna save you is 500000. You can use it to make 
something more than what you would have saved.

3. visit that princess daily. That 2% does add up. Currently up to 82%.

4. And probably the most important one. Gold is good. But he who resets with 
100 million in the bank doesn't mean a thing. Spend your money wisely. use 
what ever you make from selling items to purchase automations, higher cost 
buildings, storage, something like that. it will happen faster than you 
think. and since I am doing the 1000 automations quest at the end I take 
what ever gold I have left, buy as many automations as possible, then reset.

Hopefully  suggestions from Justin, Dark, and myself help you on your 


----- Original Message ----- 
From: "Justin Jones" <atreides...@gmail.com>
Sent: Friday, June 16, 2017 1:27 PM

If you think that 5,000 storage is bad, just wait until you have to do
the 15,000 one!

My favorite go-to product to sell are Leather Strips. They sell
reasonably fast, they're worth a decent amount, and once you complete
the sell 50,000 leather strips quest, you will produce two at a time.

On 6/16/17, Charles Rivard <wee1s...@fidnet.com> wrote:
> At $600 apiece, I figure that ladders are good investments, aren’t they? 
> I
> get a lot of gold by selling them.  They are produced at a rate of 4 every
> 30 seconds.  I just have to be sure that enough timbers are always
> available, and it takes logs to produce timbers.  So I need all 3 
> products.
> I’ve been considering to not produce grain or meat, and just produce 
> leather
> strips, and the other two items are not required to produce the leather.
> I’m just thinking out loud, here.  Some of the quests seem, at the current
> time, unattainable.  A storage space of 5,000 is a good example of this.

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