Hi. well my course uses c #, and have done a few programs in c #, like a
windows calculator and a shopping cart, mvc web stuff. So do know about c #,
and at the moment rebuilding a text based hangman game I did for a web site
design course a few years back, and it is not working, and uses the speech
engine, and a self voicing game. And cool sound effects. So, what's the best
game engine which will support cross platform, and also is there an
accessible diagram software. Some one was developing it, but still in proto
type or beta, but cannot remember. Did try using plant uml, was a pain to
use with jaws, my screen reader of choice. Got visual studio 2017 community.
So, was just looking at learning interactive gaming. Any ideas. Any one done
a course, like a diploma or some thing simlar recently, and if so, any
hurdles you got around. So if there's any other good game engines, that
works for the blind, let me know or do I just google and see what comes up.


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