Lord Adrianus is in his  manner,
when you go through the main door the study is just to your right.
  ----- Original Message ----- 
  From: Travis Siegel 
  Sent: Friday, January 12, 2018 11:16 AM
  Subject: Re: [blind-gamers] Having a hard time precisely locating people and 
objects in A Hero's Call.

  You're doing better than me, I can't even find the lord what's his name.  His 
daughter claims he's in his study, but AI can't find the stupid study.  I found 
guest bedrooms, his bed room, armory, some room I never heard of, kitchen, 
dining room, several closets, and a few hallways, but I can't for the life of 
me find his study.  So, I'm just strolling around town, picking up anything not 
nailed down, and generally getting the lay of the land, picking up quests I 
can't do, because I can't leave town, but otherwise, not accomplishing a thing, 
because this lord guy seems to be in stealth mode or something.

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