Who, Ian? According to the old forum thread he just had to step down,

On 5/31/18, mattias <mjonsson1...@gmail.com> wrote:
> What happen to the dev who left the Company?
> Skickades från E-post för Windows 10
> Från: Jack Falejjczyk
> Skickat: den 31 maj 2018 05:25
> Till: blind-gamers@groups.io
> Ämne: Re: [blind-gamers] have had a response from out of sight games abouta
> heros call
> Justin, look. You're talking about a game 5 years in the making, also
> a game that's now lost one of their primary developers. How can you
> still keep this elitist, entitled mindset? Did they not release some
> of the backer items in time? Yes, this is true. But will they/
> Eventually. They promised to when they can. Was there ever a release
> date set for those extra items? Can't say I remember for sure, but I
> doubt it. That makes them not bound to a release date for them, and at
> this point I don't want to hear about any of that, because, I quote:
> Out of Sight Games: @alexwallis646 @robwilliams95 @mitmee_pie The
> items in question are definitely well past-due. That’s actually the
> thing that we’re trying to get working before releasing v1.3. 5:44:56
> PM from Twitter for iPhone
> See, there's your proof. Happy now?
> Oh and as far as any of the items were concerned, Joseph did
> officially state that if people weren't having it and didn't want to
> wait around for those items, they would be happy to arrange a refund
> on the respective level. So while you're at it, if you're so bent on
> making sure this dev's reputation is grass just because you and
> friends aren't satisfied, why don't you kindly take your frustrations
> off the air and go get your refund if that's what you want, thank you.
> On 5/30/18, Jordan Gallacher <jordanandseptem...@gmail.com> wrote:
>> It is people like Justin who clearly do not know the first thing about
>> business especially in the software development realm that are the
>> problem.
>> I deal with software developers all the time and have never had a problem
>> except for one, who fortunately is no longer around thankfully.  Justin,
>> you
>> obviously do not keep up with this company, so knock off damaging their
>> reputation.  I have become friends with the developer, and they went out
>> of
>> the way to get the game working on my computer when they really did not
>> have
>> to do that.  They could have just given me my money back.  So, your
>> credibility is down by quite a bit.
>>> On May 30, 2018, at 9:10 PM, Justin Jones <atreides...@gmail.com> wrote:
>>> A whole lot of white-knighting is going on here...
>>> A lesson on business ethics: when a company, Out of Sight Games in
>>> this instance, takes money, they are legally bound to honor the
>>> promises they made. There is no excuse, period, full stop. If they
>>> were having difficulties with honoring their promises, then the onus
>>> is on them to communicate this with their customers. Regarding the
>>> promises made for supporting the Kickstarter for the game, they have
>>> not done this.
>>> Furthermore, and of greater concern, behavior like this does not bode
>>> well for future developers. If someone has a pretty good game ready to
>>> develop and asks for Kickstarter support, the logical inference might
>>> be that the same behavior patterns will be repeated, i.e. promises
>>> made, money taken, promises not kept, annoyed community, so on and so
>>> on. This then has the potential to put off future developers from
>>> attempting to create games because people have become mistrustful of
>>> promises made by said developers. It's a, potentially, vicious cycle.
>>> These are the reasons why, among others, that I refuse to cut these
>>> guys any slack. It's not about the additional in-game items promised
>>> as I did not need any of it to complete the game, rather the damage
>>> behaviors such as these do to the audio game developer community as a
>>> whole.
>>>> On 5/30/18, Shaun Everiss <sm.ever...@gmail.com> wrote:
>>>> Yeah, with ian in the company its going to be that much harder.
>>>> And according to twitter they are still working on it in fact a version
>>>> was supposed to be out today but something broke so it isn't.
>>>> This is probably as close to mainstream as you get, I do know for a
>>>> fact
>>>> mainstream companies don't always respond and they don't release
>>>> updates
>>>> or news on time anyway.
>>>>> On 5/31/2018 12:39 PM, Jordan Gallacher wrote:
>>>>> AHC is one of the best games out there in my opinion, and the
>>>>> developer
>>>>> deserves a lot of credit for making a great game.
>>>>> Jordan
>>>>> -----Original Message-----
>>>>> From: blind-gamers@groups.io <blind-gamers@groups.io> On Behalf Of
>>>>> Justin
>>>>> Jones
>>>>> Sent: Wednesday, May 30, 2018 5:26 PM
>>>>> To: blind-gamers@groups.io
>>>>> Subject: Re: [blind-gamers] have had a response from out of sight
>>>>> games
>>>>> about a heros call
>>>>> Glad he got back to you, but so far as I am concerned, the damage is
>>>>> done.
>>>>> On 5/30/18, Alex Wallis via Groups.Io
>>>>> <alexwallis646=googlemail....@groups.io> wrote:
>>>>>> Hi list,
>>>>>> just thought I would send an update to say I have now heard back from
>>>>>> joseph about a heros call and my jaws issue, he said he didn't see my
>>>>>> emails as they were marked as read for some reason.
>>>>>> anyway he has tried to be helpful and pointed me towards an
>>>>>> unofficial
>>>>>> jaws jkm file to get a heros call to work with it, in case anyone
>>>>>> wants to get the file themselves it can be downloaded from the a
>>>>>> heros
>>>>>> call topic on the audiogames.net website post 1076, i think that post
>>>>>> is on page 42 its somewhere in the 40s anyway.
>>>>>> so he has gone out of his way to be helpful. a question though, I
>>>>>> have
>>>>>> installed the unofficial jaws jkm file, and it works great, but there
>>>>>> is one issue where it says the name of the arrow keys each time I
>>>>>> press them, I assume the author of the file isn't on this list? if
>>>>>> not
>>>>>> does anyone happen to know how I might be able to prevent the key
>>>>>> names being announced in the game when I press them?
>>>>>> apart from that it works great.
>>>>>> I just thought I would update everyone so that I don't unfairly
>>>>>> blacken a developer.
>>>>>> I did refer joseph to my topics on the list so he can see people's
>>>>>> comments about not receiving game items etc, though not sure if he
>>>>>> will read the topics.
>>>>>> Alex.
>>>>> --
>>>>> Justin M. Jones, M.A.
>>>>> atreides...@gmail.com
>>>>> (254) 624-9155
>>>>> 701 Ewing St. #509-C, Ft. Wayne IN, 46802
>>>>> .
>>> --
>>> Justin M. Jones, M.A.
>>> atreides...@gmail.com
>>> (254) 624-9155
>>> 701 Ewing St. #509-C, Ft. Wayne IN, 46802

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