Hi everyone,

Although I appreciate it's not virtual reality in  the manner people are 
discussing , but Jeffrey mentioned  head tracking, which is one of the key 
components of current main stream VR on phones or console. We actually as blind 
gamers have something similar to this already, with the sea monkey by Aprone. 
I’m not sure if he’s still making them or not, but it’s a device you put on 
your head  and it tracks your head movement, I believe it may be possible to 
get it to work with  other games, but I believe it was designed to work with 
swamp,, so that as you move your head it will turn your character in game. I 
actually have one myself, and think its a great invention and although not 
strictly VR, it at least gives us a  kind of glimpse of how sighted gamers  can 
look all around them in their game world through moving their head.

Paul Lemm
-----Original Message-----
From: blind-gamers@groups.io <blind-gamers@groups.io> On Behalf Of Lenron
Sent: Thursday, March 21, 2019 11:52 AM
To: blind-gamers@groups.io
Subject: Re: [blind-gamers] food for thought: How far you would go as to 
merging your reality with the gaming one?

the so called dangers of it don't bother me right now. Hell it's at least a few 
years off before it's as good as we might want it anyways.
I am a risk taker anyways.

On 3/21/19, marcio via Groups.Io <marcinhorj21=yahoo.com...@groups.io> wrote:
> Shaun,
> Again you are so right on all of your just said!
> Like I said, whenever I talk about it, I make sure to also talk about 
> how dangerous this can be and it should be considered before anything else.
> Now, well, what I wouldn't give to have the same experience you had 
> with the headset :)
> Cheers,
> Marcio
> AKA /Starboy/
> Follow or add me on Facebook <https://facebook.com/firirinfonfon>
> Em 21/03/2019 07:30, Shaun Everiss escreveu:
>> Well startrek did have the safety systems in their holodecks but even 
>> then.
>> If a reality was to merge with a gaming one, there would have to be 
>> differences betwene actual real life or actual reality.
>> Things like well a day of game life would be an hour or less of real 
>> life could be a minute, and if you got adicted hmmm all sorts of issues.
>> To be honest, even if vr would become a reality, its doubtfull that 
>> most of us would be able to afford it on a large scale.
>> I got close to it during one of my research studdies, I had a gaming 
>> 3d headset, and used an iphone to play a game, I closed my eyes, the 
>> place was darkened, and I was able to enter some sort of different 
>> reality even though I never actually moved from my location.
>> After it was all over, I asked exactly how much for someone like me 
>> to do it again for myself.
>> You would need a computer or iphone for that to work.
>> However the cost of the set alone bulky that it was would cost me 500 
>> us +.
>> While I could afford it, thats still a lot of cash, Now I can 
>> probably afford 1-200 bucks at a stretch, but thats a lot so I only 
>> spend more than that if I need something.
>> Whenever I have had to really spend a huge amount, upgrading voices, 
>> tech, etc like I did this year with the help of my family, it 
>> basically means that my spend cash for anything huge is gone for at 
>> least 6 months or so.
>> Assuming nothing like drives fail or something important happens I 
>> can try again.
>> But there are always other things to get.
>> Due to the fact I have fibre, I will eventually need a new router for 
>> things to run right.
>> While the 500 dollar router is an isp one and is therefore free to 
>> me, the 100 or so bucks for the upgrade of the extender is something 
>> I need to get.
>> I am not sure if I will get it but I may get an external firewall box 
>> which may cost 200 bucks.
>> I spent 500 alone on upgrades I needed to get this year alone for the 
>> systems, and well, a set well who knows.
>> Its not on the top of my priorities.
>> Now I have sets similar to what I tested but not in that class but 
>> they work.
>> If I get through this year and don't need to cough up cash for 
>> something that fails or something in my offline life that needs 
>> fixing, then the next bit of cash I need to spend is to upgrade the 
>> almost dead server that handles some things that are mostly 
>> transfered to other places.
>> And there are other projects I want to get at.
>> I have to many sets to afford the space for more in any case.
>> Space is the issue for some stuff.
>> As for an actual vr set, I don't know if its worth it.
>> For the blind high quality headphones that fit over the ear are enough.
>> Even if all the things with vr actually worked, you would a need a 
>> way to bail out if an emergency happened etc.
>> And while I can get carried away now, I can't do it while people are 
>> out of the house in fact a lot of the time I don't use the headset 
>> because of this.
>> Cutting out all sences can be dangerous.
>> Look at pokemon go.
>> That was an orgmented reality game.
>> True, there was a craze, some people got really into the spirrit of it.
>> But while there were even themed stores and stuff in real life, the 
>> fact was that there were issues which would make the user think twice 
>> about getting carried away with something that could sporn objects 
>> anywhere using the real world for objects and the like.
>> There are gaming arieas in random places, war zones, houses, 
>> forbidden places, some rumors.
>> People have gone to arieas in game that were in the middle of roads, 
>> and have gotten run over.
>> People have gone into houses to play because there was an ariea in 
>> the phone, and got shot.
>> Its reported north corria has some between them and south and well 
>> there are military bases with gaming arieas in them.
>> People have lost jobs, and real lives over orgmented reality and 
>> thats only going to get worse.
>> There are warnings that people live in their phones even to the point 
>> that married couples can't leave their phones, kids and adults alike.
>> For a more recent game, think fortnight.
>> Children have got so addicted they will play for days on end, not 
>> eat, sleep, go to school, they will get stuck in the game.
>> My question to you then is, should we even start.
>> This is not real vr just yet, but there is a lot of evidence that 
>> even orgmented psudo reality if not used right is quite dangerous.
>> This excludes anyone that wants to do malicious things in it.
>> I mean a vr virus could exist, vr chrimes, etc.
>> We allready have the net.
>> The neet is like the real world almost.
>> We try to control it and barely can do so.
>> We do have laws for some stuff, but most of us only stay on the edge 
>> of the net world.
>> The dark web is in the middle of it, and its like mobville, a lot of 
>> bad stuff happens online a lot more than we can actually handle right 
>> now.
>> While we have rules inforcing laws accross borders is a challenge.
>> Unless you are like china or other countries that sensor everything 
>> and kill anyone that goes against anything they think is bad.
>> Even then, you can't really control the net, its just to big.
>> If we can't control the net well barely control it, we can't control vr.
>> There are to many security breaches netwide to call the net a safe 
>> place to live in.
>> Now we do, but thats another story.
>> We are not ready for vr, and the net is getting big fast.
>> They say ai will destroy us, I suspect that we aren't ready for that 
>> either.
>> The only reason most of us aren
>> 't dead yet is probably because we don't know half of what is going 
>> on online we just do whatever is needed.
>> Once we control the world, and the net and our reality first then we 
>> can decide on what is next.
>> We are going to get into a situation where barely control will be no 
>> control, and well you loose control of everything and boom its all over.
>> We barely have control to what you would concidder full control, we 
>> know enough but not enough at the same time.
>> Right now it all looks cool, but no one has thought about later just yet.
>> On 21/03/2019 9:26 PM, marcio via Groups.Io wrote:
>>> Shaun,
>>> Of course you are right!
>>> The idea of merging these two things into only one would be very 
>>> dangerous.
>>> That's why, whenever this subject come in, I make sure to say that 
>>> if we ever could get to that point, then it would have to be done 
>>> very, very carefully, considering most (if not all) of the possible 
>>> scenarios.
>>> Cheers,
>>> Marcio AKA /Starboy/
>>> Follow or add me on Facebook <https://facebook.com/firirinfonfon>
>>> Em 21/03/2019 05:16, Shaun Everiss escreveu:
>>>> I wouldn't to be honest.
>>>> Firstly, look at the matrix.
>>>> Then read better than life red dwarf book and you would find 
>>>> several reasons why completely merging realities just isn't a good idea.
>>>> Merging reality with the real world is fine as long as you can get 
>>>> out again.
>>>> For me gaming is a way to get away from reality, I know people that 
>>>> can get adicted to the real thing but I do also know if I need to 
>>>> stop I can get up out of my chair and just do it.
>>>> Games are games, reality is reality.
>>>> If you read all the scifi books and movies about, the general ting 
>>>> is yes you can, but then its really not a good idea to try to mess 
>>>> with that.
>>>> Even if you could, the expence of the gear is a big drawback.
>>>> As far as you can do with audio then fine, but the rest I don't know.
>>>> On 21/03/2019 8:23 PM, marcio via Groups.Io wrote:
>>>>> Well, it must have someone interested in all of this we have to talk!
>>>>> It's just a matter of look for the right person.
>>>>> Maybe if we could spread about this list, this subject would very 
>>>>> well attract some attention of someone on this :)
>>>>> Cheers,
>>>>> Marcio AKA /Starboy/
>>>>> Follow or add me on Facebook <https://facebook.com/firirinfonfon>
>>>>> Em 20/03/2019 16:03, Ron Kolesar escreveu:
>>>>>> I also agree on that point.
>>>>>> But who to get a hold of to tell them our stories?
>>>>>> Ron
>>>>>> -----Original Message----- From: Lenron
>>>>>> Sent: Wednesday, March 20, 2019 11:30
>>>>>> To: blind-gamers@groups.io
>>>>>> Subject: Re: [blind-gamers] food for thought: How far you would 
>>>>>> go as to merging your reality with the gaming one?
>>>>>> It would be cool if we could talk to a company that was working 
>>>>>> on VR, so that accessibility and things are not an after thought. 
>>>>>> You know getting in on the ground floor.
>>>>>> On 3/19/19, marcio via Groups.Io
>>>>>> <marcinhorj21=yahoo.com...@groups.io> wrote:
>>>>>>> Lenron,
>>>>>>> This could be a good solution as well. One I hadn't thought of, 
>>>>>>> by the way.
>>>>>>> See, guys, there are some interesting ideas! I'm thinking, maybe 
>>>>>>> there is someone we can talk with to discuss these ideas and 
>>>>>>> perhaps turn them (or at least some of them) into reality?
>>>>>>> What you guys think about it?
>>>>>>> Cheers,
>>>>>>> Marcio
>>>>>>> AKA /Starboy/
>>>>>>> Follow or add me on Facebook 
>>>>>>> <https://facebook.com/firirinfonfon>
>>>>>>> Em 19/03/2019 14:31, Lenron escreveu:
>>>>>>>> I am willing to bet you could choose your sensory input levels 
>>>>>>>> maybe.
>>>>>>>> Like maybe you would only feel 20 percent of the pain or 
>>>>>>>> something on easy mode.
>>>>>>>> On 3/19/19, marcio via Groups.Io 
>>>>>>>> <marcinhorj21=yahoo.com...@groups.io>
>>>>>>>> wrote:
>>>>>>>>> Interesting point, Devin!
>>>>>>>>> Your point seem to be in accordance with Luke's one.
>>>>>>>>> However, as we (John - I think - and I have said), just 
>>>>>>>>> because we're blind in real life, doesn't mean we have/need to 
>>>>>>>>> be when playing, after all, it's a game.
>>>>>>>>> Whatever road, though, would bring us a lot of fun. I imagine 
>>>>>>>>> the other players would actually be surprised if they ever see 
>>>>>>>>> a person with a cane among them. Lol
>>>>>>>>> Cheers,
>>>>>>>>> Marcio
>>>>>>>>> AKA /Starboy/
>>>>>>>>> Follow or add me on Facebook 
>>>>>>>>> <https://facebook.com/firirinfonfon>
>>>>>>>>> Em 19/03/2019 09:58, Devin Prater escreveu:
>>>>>>>>>> I really think Virtual reality would be great for learning to 
>>>>>>>>>> use sensory substitution things, like the vOICe, at 
>>>>>>>>>> seeingwithsound.com <http://seeingwithsound.com>
>>>>>>>>>> Besides that though, being able to see in a VR game would be 
>>>>>>>>>> really hard to simulate for a blind person, unless the things 
>>>>>>>>>> we use, like a virtual cane and such, were invissible for 
>>>>>>>>>> other players. And even then, we'd be slower than others, 
>>>>>>>>>> just by the fact that we'd have more info to take in, we'd 
>>>>>>>>>> have to physically explore our enviornment with the cane 
>>>>>>>>>> rather than just turn the head to look around, and, so things 
>>>>>>>>>> wouldn't be equal. However, this doesn't negate how much fun 
>>>>>>>>>> we'd have, just like current video games. Shoot, I could play 
>>>>>>>>>> Dissidia Final Fantasy for hours, using OCR of course, but 
>>>>>>>>>> its still fun as heck.
>>>>>>>>>> Devin Prater
>>>>>>>>>> sent from Gmail.
>>>>>>>>>> On Tue, Mar 19, 2019 at 7:34 AM marcio via Groups.Io 
>>>>>>>>>> <marcinhorj21=yahoo.com...@groups.io
>>>>>>>>>> <mailto:yahoo.com...@groups.io>>
>>>>>>>>>> wrote:
>>>>>>>>>>      Hmm, I think you're right, I hadn't considered it all.
>>>>>>>>>>      But still (not that it's possible for now), what if 
>>>>>>>>>> someday they
>>>>>>>>>>      could develop a kind of technology capable of make you 
>>>>>>>>>> feel this
>>>>>>>>>>      sensation and forget about it right away?
>>>>>>>>>>      Of course I don't know how it could be done but I tell 
>>>>>>>>>> you, when
>>>>>>>>>>      it comes to technology, I won't doubt anything, not anymore.
>>>>>>>>>>      Even though, your point is  still valid. Before 
>>>>>>>>>> accepting such
>>>>>>>>>>      complex concept, one needs to think of the implications 
>>>>>>>>>> it would
>>>>>>>>>>      carry along, of course, with the good things.
>>>>>>>>>>      A long way to go, isn't it?
>>>>>>>>>>      Cheers,
>>>>>>>>>>      Marcio AKA /Starboy/
>>>>>>>>>>      Follow or add me on Facebook 
>>>>>>>>>> <https://facebook.com/firirinfonfon>
>>>>>>>>>>      Em 19/03/2019 09:20, john escreveu:
>>>>>>>>>>>      Here's the thing: just because a sensation was created 
>>>>>>>>>>> by a game,
>>>>>>>>>>>      doesn't mean you didn't experience that sensation. If 
>>>>>>>>>>> games got
>>>>>>>>>>>      realistic enough that they could fully simulate reality 
>>>>>>>>>>> and you
>>>>>>>>>>>      faceplanted the sidewalk, it doesn't matter that your 
>>>>>>>>>>> nose isn't
>>>>>>>>>>>      broken in real life, you'll still experience what it 
>>>>>>>>>>> would be
>>>>>>>>>>>      like, and you'll remember that experience.
>>>>>>>>>>>      So yeah, when you quit the game (presumably almost 
>>>>>>>>>>> immediately
>>>>>>>>>>>      because broken bones hurt) you'll be back in the "real"
>>>>>>>>>>> reality
>>>>>>>>>>>      and your nose won't be broken anymore, but you'll still 
>>>>>>>>>>> remember
>>>>>>>>>>>      what it felt like, and that's where a lot of trauma 
>>>>>>>>>>> comes from.
>>>>>>>>>>>      You've probably paid someone to mutilate your body 
>>>>>>>>>>> before (ever
>>>>>>>>>>>      had teeth pulled?), but you (hopefully) don't remember 
>>>>>>>>>>> it and
>>>>>>>>>>>      have no lasting impact, because you were asleep for the 
>>>>>>>>>>> process,
>>>>>>>>>>>      and didn't experience any of it.
>>>>>>>>>>>      So in short - just because it's artificially created 
>>>>>>>>>>> sensation
>>>>>>>>>>>      doesn't mean it's not sensation, and that's where true 
>>>>>>>>>>> VR gets
>>>>>>>>>>>      terrifying (because it doesn't always have to be in the 
>>>>>>>>>>> context
>>>>>>>>>>>      of a game you play willingly).
>>>>>>>>>>>      *From:* marcio via Groups.Io 
>>>>>>>>>>> <mailto:marcinhorj21=yahoo.com...@groups.io>
>>>>>>>>>>>      *Sent:* Monday, March 18, 2019 23:43
>>>>>>>>>>>      *To:* blind-gamers@groups.io 
>>>>>>>>>>> <mailto:blind-gamers@groups.io>
>>>>>>>>>>>      *Subject:* Re: [blind-gamers] food for thought: How far 
>>>>>>>>>>> you would
>>>>>>>>>>>      go as to merging your reality with the gaming one?
>>>>>>>>>>>      I agree. But it's still about gaming, so, even if you 
>>>>>>>>>>> were
>>>>>>>>>>>      confused with the two realities, you always would have 
>>>>>>>>>>> the "exit
>>>>>>>>>>>      door".
>>>>>>>>>>>      Some experiences, of course, wouldn't be that cool to 
>>>>>>>>>>> have :) but
>>>>>>>>>>>      well, apart from the feelings, sensation, it's nothing 
>>>>>>>>>>> more than
>>>>>>>>>>>      a game :)
>>>>>>>>>>>      Cheers,
>>>>>>>>>>>      Marcio AKA /Starboy/
>>>>>>>>>>>      Follow or add me on Facebook 
>>>>>>>>>>> <https://facebook.com/firirinfonfon>
>>>>>>>>>>>      Em 18/03/2019 08:12, john escreveu:
>>>>>>>>>>>>      This would be awesome, depending on the game. Game 
>>>>>>>>>>>> worlds can be
>>>>>>>>>>>>      a lot harsher than reality, and as incredible as it 
>>>>>>>>>>>> might be to
>>>>>>>>>>>>      experience some of them, others... not so much.
>>>>>>>>>>>>      *From:* marcio via Groups.Io 
>>>>>>>>>>>> <mailto:marcinhorj21=yahoo.com...@groups.io>
>>>>>>>>>>>>      *Sent:* Sunday, March 17, 2019 19:32
>>>>>>>>>>>>      *To:* blind-gamers@groups.io 
>>>>>>>>>>>> <mailto:blind-gamers@groups.io>
>>>>>>>>>>>>      *Subject:* [blind-gamers] food for thought: How far 
>>>>>>>>>>>> you would go
>>>>>>>>>>>>      as to merging your reality with the gaming one?
>>>>>>>>>>>>      Hello folks,
>>>>>>>>>>>>      Just now I was randomly chatting with one person and 
>>>>>>>>>>>> then the
>>>>>>>>>>>>      "virtual reality" subject matter came up.
>>>>>>>>>>>>      So was wondering, what you guys think about this 
>>>>>>>>>>>> concept? How
>>>>>>>>>>>>      far you would go with it and why?
>>>>>>>>>>>>      Do you have any interest into a more complex concept 
>>>>>>>>>>>> behind this
>>>>>>>>>>>>      all which maybe could even confuse you as to what's 
>>>>>>>>>>>> your reality
>>>>>>>>>>>>      and what's the gaming one?
>>>>>>>>>>>>      Thoughts are welcome :)
>>>>>>>>>>>>      --
>>>>>>>>>>>>      Cheers,
>>>>>>>>>>>>      Marcio AKA /Starboy/
>>>>>>>>>>>>      Follow or add me on Facebook 
>>>>>>>>>>>> <https://facebook.com/firirinfonfon>

Lenron Brown
Cell: 985-271-2832
Skype: ron.brown762

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