Oh I don't know much pascal, as far as I got I was able to well output stuff to the screen and calculate simple numbers, that was what I did in university and it was all in the console.

I don't like the console.

And while I could get freepascal and dev pascal well I am not sure if it is worth it.

On the flipside, I looked at twine2 elektron and it does appear I can probably write with it.

if you want to get in helping me with things and really think its going to work, email me offlist and we can do something though I have no idea what the fork I am actually doing never done a game before but I am willing to give it a bash.

On 2/04/2019 11:46 PM, marcio via Groups.Io wrote:
As always, good points raised here. I like your sense of seeing ahead of your time, considering future possibilities, mostly bad ones. Well, I myself wouldn't have any problem with trolls. The key is, they stop trolling if you ignore them. It may not happen at the exact moment, but eventualy, they just don't see the point on bothering you anymore if you aren't gonna care about it.
The server question is another problem to be considered, of course.

Re programming, LOL you're better than me. I don't know anything about Pascal, and it's perfectly possible to create a game based on this language I'd believe. All I know about is a bit of HTML, MS-DOS and a few Python commands with their syntaxes. Well, someday we can swap stickers and, who knows, we can even be making a game together!
You seem to be such a nice guy I'd like to work together with :)

AKA /Starboy/

Follow or add me on Facebook <https://facebook.com/firirinfonfon>

Em 02/04/2019 06:36, Shaun Everiss disse:

Hmmm, I havn't really thought about doing it as such, tried programming, and managed to mangle things some at university.

If I did this it would be hmmm not sure.

I tried to write the twine package offline but I couldn't get it done in any accessible manner.

But yeah, from time to time I think of random things like this.

From time to time I thought about programming in something but never got round that much.

I know basic pascal at least I did and basic html and maybe a little javascript but crap all to speak about, I always forgot bits of code.

I have been thinking of doing something, in twine or something though, the advantage of text games done in the web is no interpreter either choicescript or twine but to be honest I like both, twine seems  straight forward if done online, but I have never really invested much more in anything but fiddling.

My chief issue is that I think of random things, then get a form of writers block.

I found this in school and university, where I needed essays of certain lengths and durations.

I'd either manage to write something crappy and loose track of things or completely blank out.

Usually this is what happens when I try to actually write something for real and well I havn't bothered to try again.

However, I do wander now sincelife and job prospects are pritty much dead right now, if I should try again.

I do wander how hard it is to write twine and sugarcube.

Could I do it freehand or could I do it with some menu system where I entered things into boxes.

I know adrift is an option but v5 and up just are not accessible.

With the addon interpreter addon from nvda not yet compatible with the newerversions as of yet, I probably should aim for a web language anyway.

I don't feel confident enough with code and a story at the same time.

However maybe I should look at twine again.

The web service is easy to write in, so if I can install a twine server on my machine somehow could I write in twine like that I wander.

Saying that I really do want to expand superliam2, I guess I will have to name it something a bit different, fact is, I really shouldn't clone this if I want to expand it, but before I did this to make it that way either liam would have to give me permition to hack things or put it at github or something as opensource for others to write.

Fact is, with all the issues with clones and code stealing going on I want to do this properly if I do it at all.

Finally, with all the trolls about on the audiogames forum, and people with their own agendas to become a developer you need to face the trials of doom and win, dodging flames, spikes and every other hell that comes your way and then continue to slay beasts all day long.

Only the best survive, and anyone that tries that is new is doomed unless he stands up for his own life.

Right now, for me, it makes it a bit harder to just jump in, with the legit isues and all the drama and troling going about on the agnet forums, I want to come out strong against that lot and just handle myself.

That may eventually happen, but certainly if I did this as a newby dev, it would make me think twice about bothering at all.

Sadly agnet has the biggest concentration and even if I hid and didn't like do much publically eventually I'd have to show my face and then get it punched.

I don't have the temper to be honest that allows to much abuse before I start flaming at everyone in range.

Now that doesn't mean we won't get new devs but it really does make things harder than it used to be or needs to be right now unless you are ready to put up with hell, some of this is warrented but there are hangers on, and other things.

Some refuse to forget the past and others just go me to and hope for drama.

Its why I don't chat on sbyw, I play games, but I don't chat really.

Its why I am an entire loner most of the time, posting when it suits me.

Maybe I should have jumpped in 5 or so years back before all this started.

The only ones that don't seem to get clobbered much are the europians, japanese and chinese, probably because they just survive and do it right and the trolls have no amunition to chuck at them.

Then again, you don't see many of them about.

Even if I did this, I have no hosting plan, no website, I have a dropbox with public space but that can't take much.

I'd go google drive, but google drive app just sucks, and onedrive well I just don't care about the website.

Guess I could use agarchive and or dropbox but hmph.

The only other solution I guess is to host it myself on my own server, and have that rou to a no-ip domain.

However it wouldn't be online all day and night and I don't have a server machine I could just leave on all day and night.

Still I may look at things just have to see.

On 2/04/2019 9:01 PM, marcio via Groups.Io wrote:
WOW! What a creative mind, man!
Have you ever thought about making your own games? And this is 100% a serious suggestion, nothing sarcastic here at all :)

I don't have this creativity level, even so I think about it all the time. What stops me, of course, is that I don't have the enough knowledge to code something playable.

Marcio AKA /Starboy/
Follow or add me on Facebook <https://facebook.com/firirinfonfon>

Em 02/04/2019 02:14, Shaun Everiss disse:
Well it would have to depend on  the way you would complete the first chapter.

Liam could have a boring day and a boring life and it would be fine.

This game leaves a lot of unanswered questions to it and possibilities.

1.  the movie which clearly has an x1 like guy being defeated by another person while not refferenced could actually be real.

2.  why is the city so empty, smells like something bad has happened.

3.  there isn't anything to watch on tv, in fact bar the first movie, there actually isn't much except for a couple random programs and news which could be construde as badness going on.

The net is offline, and liam isn't doing anything about it.

He strangely can order dinner.

Finally the fact liam is having a boring life could actually be the dream here so in chapter2 the story could continue from where superliam 1 left off.

There are several other ways the story could actually go.

The two obvious ones.

1.  liam could have been drink the night before and or high or both, after some party which would mean he woke up with a hangover, and fead his pet beer and other things.

He could randomly find his suit and tie was his costume, and find his laser and communicator, they could be toys, they could be real.

He could find that with the internet offline his phone wouldn't work.

This is quite possible since most of the older phone systems are on the way out and its all online.

He could have a dead cellphone.

He could get an emergency message in the middle of the movie, and realise that the dream he had which was superliam1 was actually real except he actually had to be the heroe in real life for some strange reason.

Then again it could be a complete other disaster.

Why is liam not going shopping, he can't be that much of a slacker that he just sits on his rump all day long.

The first thing I'd be doing would to yell at my isp to fix my damn net before I switch previders or something legal.

Why is clamber the online offline game on his laptop.

I have a lot of games and programs on the laptop that don't need the net though my system is quite limited without it, at least I am not as limited as the systems with just small ssd units and not much else but still I could function without the net for a little while mostly.

What about if the power went out for no reason.

Several other things like that.

Next, x1 is dead, but roots could be x1 is for real and liam was just having a dream, or well judgement day, zompocolipse, yeah if we use the other 2 games from lworks round the time of sl1 well.

While its mentioned liam has a rec room he doesn't seem to use it at all.

It is clear that liam can't cook, what about if he has to eat last nights disgusting left overs.

Finally liam decides to make the dream a reality, by programming it.

While doing it he by mistake makes it real, except he is x1.

And x1 wins, and well other things.

Finally we could have randomness of everything which has no reason to it all but well who knows.

Right now this feels like liam is in some holodeck/ matrix/ dream sequence and is about to smack into the ground and break both his legs and start another suckfull day somewhere.

This is an interesting joke but it hints of more coming, there is a lot open here if you look at it.

On 2/04/2019 2:44 PM, Brandon wrote:
i know it's a joke but wonder how it would continue if more chapters
were complete?

On 4/1/19, lori duncan <lori.dunca...@gmail.com> wrote:
Yes it's a really unfunny winde-up.

On 02/04/2019 01:01, Shaun Everiss wrote:
Well, get it drunk and food poisoned and you won't.

On 2/04/2019 5:34 AM, Lenron wrote:
I want a hoppy now. Lol it was an amusing play through for sure.

On 4/1/19, mattias <mjonsson1...@gmail.com> wrote:
Just what i meen

Skickades från E-post för Windows 10

Från: Devin Prater
Skickat: den 1 april 2019 18:22
Till: blind-gamers@groups.io
Ämne: Re: [blind-gamers] The super Liam 2 Alpha has Arrived!

It seems to be, but is really elaborate, with a whole text adventure
up to a “download” link and such.

On Apr 1, 2019, at 11:18 AM, mattias <mjonsson1...@gmail.com> wrote:

Is this a april joke?

Skickades från E-post för Windows 10

Från: Liam Erven
Skickat: den 1 april 2019 17:35
Till: blind-gamers@groups.io
Ämne: [blind-gamers] The super Liam 2 Alpha has Arrived!

In 2004, Super Liam the first platforming audio game for the blind was
released to much aclaim, and now a public alpha version of the
sequel is
Find out what happens to Liam after he collects that crystal. The
alpha will
let you play through the first chapter of the game. Many questions
will be
answered, and new ones will be asked. But the most important
question is,.
Can you handle it?

Enjoy the time of day system where the environment changes as time
Make decisions that will effect the outcome of the game. Get
immersed in the
Super LIam universe like never before.

Tired of reading? Then go play at http://l-works.net/sl2.php


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