Ok, I now did the pip install Earwax --upgrade, and it seemed to update it to 2026.2.7, but, am now getting following import error:

ImportError: cannot import name 'get_origin' from 'typing' (C:\Users\bandi\AppData\Local\Programs\Python\Python37-32\lib\typing.py)

And, FWIW, the reason I work with the version of python I do is since it's the one recommended to work with NVDA add-on development, etc., but, let me play around a bit more.

Thanks for quick answer, either way

STay well

Jacob Kruger
+2782 413 4791
Skype: BlindZA
"...resistance is futile...but, acceptance is versatile..."
On 2021-02-15 02:58 PM, Chris Norman via groups.io wrote:
Version 2026.2.6 hopefully fixes that, although I'm using Python 3.9.1, so other things might rely on newer language features.

To ensure the best compatibility with Earwax, use the latest version of Python you can lay your hands on.

Take care,

Chris Norman

On Mon, 15 Feb 2021 at 12:24, Jacob Kruger <ja...@blindza.co.za <mailto:ja...@blindza.co.za>> wrote:

    Chris, if I install it via pip, then, the moment I try to import
    it, I get the following error:

    line 7, in <module>
        from typing import (TYPE_CHECKING, Any, Dict, List, Optional,
    TextIO, Type,
    ImportError: cannot import name 'get_args' from 'typing'

    That's under python 3.7.8 32-bit, if relevant.

    Jacob Kruger
    Blind Biker
    Skype: BlindZA
    "...resistance is futile...but, acceptance is versatile..."
    On 2021-02-15 02:12 PM, Chris Norman via groups.io
    <http://groups.io> wrote:
    OK, so this is actually an area where Earwax's documentation is
    sadly lacking.

    Behind the scenes, Earwax uses Synthizer
    <https://synthizer.github.io/> for its sound needs.

    When creating a sound, you can use three types of positions: You
    can set the position to ``None``, which is Python's answer to
    ``null``, or ``nil``. This unpans the sound, so it's completely
    unaffected by anything spacial.

    You can slo set the sound to a float value between -1.0, and 1.0.
    This pans the sound left and right (with 0 being centre), as
    you'd expect.

    Finally, you can set it to an earwax Point
    <https://earwax.readthedocs.io/en/latest/api/earwax.point.html> instance,
    which gives you full 3d capabilities.

    Also, the earwax ``BufferCache`` class is a LRU cache (least
    recently used), so you can get buffers from it, and it'll remove
    the buffers which were used longest ago.

    For more information on sounds, check the earwax.sound
    <https://earwax.readthedocs.io/en/latest/api/earwax.sound.html> module

    As for behind the player processing, it would depend what you
    mean. There's a whole raft load of scheduling features, from the
    <https://earwax.readthedocs.io/en/latest/api/earwax.task.html> class,
    to two different promise
    <https://earwax.readthedocs.io/en/latest/api/earwax.promises.html> types,
    to the scheduling features provided by pyglet.clock

    What there *isn't* yet, is filters. This is because they're not
    yet in Synthizer.

    There is reverb and delay though, so you've got your two main fx

    Take care,

    Chris Norman

    On Mon, 15 Feb 2021 at 11:29, john <jpcarnemo...@gmail.com
    <mailto:jpcarnemo...@gmail.com>> wrote:

        I've also recently been looking into various game engines
        myself (mostly rust-based), but this sounds pretty
        interesting as well. My current conundrum is around getting
        something that has actual genuinely accurate sound panning;
        how is Earwax for that? Ideally I'd like to be able to pass
        it either a degree value (from centered) or use a linear
        scale that actually maps itself directly to degrees, so that
        when an object is directly left, there's *zero*! audio in the
        right speaker, and when the object is at a 45 degree offset,
        one side is at half volume. Most games I've played seem to
        struggle with this so I've been figuring I'm going to have to
        get into decibels and logarithms, but since we're on the
        topic of game engines here, it can't hurt to ask.

        Additionally, significant bonus points will be awarded for
        real handling of behind-the-player processing, but at least
        in that case I can pretty easily make up the difference in an
        audio editor if needed.



        On 2/15/2021 5:42, Chris Norman via groups.io
        <http://groups.io> wrote:
        I'm it's primary (and currently soul) developer, so if you do
        try it, I'd love to know how you get on. Also, please submit
        issues, so I can fix 'em! :)

        Take care,

        Chris Norman

        On Sun, 14 Feb 2021 at 22:47, Shaun Everiss
        <sm.ever...@gmail.com <mailto:sm.ever...@gmail.com>> wrote:

            I have heard of earwax but I haven't really looked at it.

            On 15/02/2021 4:41 am, Immigrant via groups.io
            <http://groups.io> wrote:

            Thanks. I heard of Lucia, and could not find any
            documentation for it.

            *From:* blind-gamers@groups.io
            <mailto:blind-gamers@groups.io> <blind-gamers@groups.io>
            <mailto:blind-gamers@groups.io> *On Behalf Of *Chris
            Norman via groups.io <http://groups.io>
            *Sent:* Sunday, February 14, 2021 6:20 AM
            *To:* blind-gamers@groups.io <mailto:blind-gamers@groups.io>
            *Subject:* Re: [blind-gamers] Introduction, and
            programming questions


            There are a few different audio game engines for Python,
            these include Earwax
            <https://earwax.readthedocs.io/> (beta), Lucia
            <https://github.com/luciasoftware/lucia> (which is
            supposed to be more familiar to those coming from BGT,
            want of a better name), and pyAGE
            is still very much in its early stages).

            If you'd rather go the mainstream route, and don't mind
            a little more work, there's Godot Accessibility

            Finally, for some subjective comparisons, see this
            <https://forum.audiogames.net/topic/38995/python-and-audiogame/> on
            the audiogames.net <http://audiogames.net> forum.

            There are others, namely MonoGame
            <https://www.monogame.net/>, and probably some other
            stuff in C# too.

            Other than that, please just do everyone a favour
            (mainly yourself), and don't use BGT. It's like deciding
            to dig yourself a swimming pool, using a plastic bucket
            and spade for digging, wattle and dorb for lining, and
            stiff prayer for water purification.


            Take care,

            Chris Norman

            On Sun, 14 Feb 2021 at 02:42, Immigrant via groups.io
            <http://groups.io> <immigrant328=verizon....@groups.io
            <mailto:verizon....@groups.io>> wrote:

                Hello, everyone I have just joined the group, and I
                hope the distinguished
                gamers and writers in this gaming community
                understand that I am very much a
                beginner, trying to write perhaps a couple of simple
                dice or card games. I
                wrote a dice game script in BGT, and the script
                doesn't generate any
                compilation errors. However, the game window stays
                open only for a couple of
                seconds, and then disappears, so none of the
                program's keystrokes can be
                executed. I realize that BGT is no longer supported,
                but it does work under
                Windows 10, and it is the only engine where I know
                how to implement
                keystrokes and add and manipulate sounds. I checked
                basic tutorials for a
                few programming languages, and realized that game
                logic can be programmed in
                any of the languages but none of these tutorials
                addresses keystroke-driven
                implementation, or addition of sound. And even in
                the BGT tutorial, I have
                not found answers to some of my questions. The game
                I am currently trying to
                write is a dice roller, but if one tries to create,
                for example, a card
                game, how do you make a card playable? If cards
                exist as strings, or parts
                of an array, or even instances of their own class,
                they are just abstract
                logical structures. But cards need to be manipulated
                - picked up, discarded,
                etc. If I have a hand with 5 cards, how do I program
                a way to navigate the
                list of cards and then perform an action on a card
                currently in focus? How
                to make it an element of interface so it can be
                selected? I hope I clearly
                expressed my questions, and I am grateful in advance
                for any clarifications.

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