When I first lost my sight and read a few books about guide dogs, there was no question in my mind about whether or not I wanted a guide dog. In other words, I was totally and absolutely positively definitely without a doubt undeniably sure that I wanted to get a guide dog. I was pretty bummed out that I was going to have to learn how to use a cane, and wait so many years, it was six at the time, before I was old enough to actually be eligible for a dog. However, over the years, me and my cane, (which is unnamed and I feel as though I should incert one here anyway), have sort of made a pact. I won't kill it if it doesn't let me get killed. LOL. But I've actually grown to appreciate it and for what it stands for and everything. You might just say I'm a dog person, but that isn't the only reason I'm still looking at getting a dog - because heaven knows they aren't pets. It's the draw of the free feeling, the sense of a bond, both professional and loving between master and dog, and everything that comes with it - doggy doo-doo and all. To be able to walk without shoving a stick in front of me, getting caught up on sidewalk cracks, random objects, or those moments when you keep your forward momentum and your cane decides it'll check out something that results in a wake-up call to your abdomen, is a feeling I have experienced. And as I've said because of the books I've read, it just sounds like it would be the right kind of living style for me. Not to get off topic, but if you're like me and love dog books, read, "The Leading Lady": by Tom Sullivan. It's an amazing, and true, story about a guy and his relationship with his golden retriever guide dog. As to when I'm planning on getting a dog? Well, I'll be 16 this May, but I've decided that because I'm not exactly living the busiest lifestyle at this point in my life, and I think I might go through the whole process the summer before senior year. This way I'd have time to form a relationship with the dog before heading off to college. Not totally sure though. Anyway, three cheers for dogs, but thumbs up to those who decide otherwise. It's totally a personal thing and depends on what you think is the best for yourself!

----- Original Message -----
From: "Lillie Pennington" <lilliepenning...@fuse.net
To: <blind-teen-talk@googlegroups.com
Date sent: Sat, 26 Feb 2011 13:51:53 -0500
Subject: [BTT] canes vs dogs!

So I was randomly browsing the nfb website today and found a bunch of resources about canes and only a few about dogs. What do you guys think. Do you plan on getting dogs, or sticking with a cane? I think I'll probably maybe stick with a cane, because its usually pretty reliable, meaning that it'll be by your side and not go and run off and chase a squirrel for example. And also then you won't have to deal with people asking if you can pet the dog when its working and things. But yeah, that's just me. What do
you people think?

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