Totally agree with Kaiti and you about the awareness thing. I mean, if people in wheel chairs depended on people to carry them around, how would you know when someone wasn't just trying to be lazy? "Hey, getcho, um, butt over heeya and carry my, butt, to the store." Terrible analogy, because that doesn't happen, and not being able to walk is a bit different from not being able to see. But it popped in my head and it's not like this listy is about not saying things. LOL.

----- Original Message -----
From: Holly <
To: <
Date sent: Wed, 9 Mar 2011 23:12:10 +0000
Subject: Re: [BTT] blind people and canes

I don't use it if I know the place well because I don't need to, and if I know it well it probably means I've been there before and people will know me, an obvious example being home and when i'm at friends houses. But when I
get a train somewhere or go on the bus or are just generally out
independantly I always have it because like you say people are more willing to help. A lot of the time people don't realise i'm blind and so having the cane with me lets them know without all the awkwardness of explaining everything. It also means people are usually more willing to give their time
up to help you.
----- Original Message -----
From: <
To: <
Sent: Wednesday, March 09, 2011 10:15 PM
Subject: Re: [BTT] blind people and canes

My sentiments exactly. Back when I was younger and had more vision I used to reject the cane for the sign on the forehead reason, but it really does help in unfamiliar settings. I think aside from safety the benefit of it making everyone else aware is good too. In my experiences people are more willing to give assistance or directions to somewhere close by if they can see that you have a cane because it lets them know that you might not be able to see what you are looking for. Otherwise they might be like, "It's over there," and think you just didn't look or try to find it or are being
bothersome for the sake of being bothersome.

 ---- Rachel <> wrote:
I guess for some people it can be embarrassing and they feel like they
a sign posted on their forehead that says "I'm blind look at me" but
might feel like that people are judging them, and look at them as if they are disabled. Personally I think that blind folks should use their canes, because it can be useful when they are going to places like the cities. It's an easy way to get transpertation on a bus, and also it helps when you're walking in a building that you've never been before. That's just
opinion though. I mean if they are like at home or something or a place that they know well then I don't really see a reason why they need to use their cane there. However like I said before, new places and things like
that it can be quite handy.

On Sat, Feb 26, 2011 at 12:13 PM, <> wrote:

I like to either trail or sweep at school, though I kind of shoreline outside or just skim if it's a familiar route and the ground is gross or something because I'm probably a little OCD about making a trail or
something with my cane inside.  lol

Here's another question though. How do you guysages feel about blind people embracing verses refusing to use a cane? And I'm not talking
the kids who are kind of going through that phase where they start to
realize that the cane can make them look different and kind of reject it because of social things, but I mean like older teenagers and adults who just don't want to use it. Personally, (and some of you might already
this,) but I know this person who's older than I am and purposefully
her cane places and loses it so she won't have to use it around school,
as someone who does use it I think that they would be smart to at least carry it with them, and better off if they would just use it, but I
it's a decision that some people struggle with. What's your guys's

---- Nick Cocchiarella <> wrote:
Or there is tripping people headlong into things and make them go
blam and things.  I suppose it depends, when I'm outside and the
ground isn't exactly clear, I tap and stuff. Otherwise I usually
By the way, nonrelated question, you said earlier that you wanted
emails switched or something? I kinda killed that message.

 ----- Original Message -----
From: "Abby Bolling" <
To: <
Date sent: Thu, 24 Feb 2011 21:08:40 -0500
Subject: [BTT] blind people and canes

I just love the different ways to use canes!
There is the sweeping motion, tapping, double tap, 3 touch tap...
It's funny at school VI had to retire her guide dog a
quarter early so now she is using a cane...
Lets just say you always know when she's coming because she taps,
and it's loud! where as people are surprised that I can sneek up
on them with my cane in my hand.

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