I don't understand why one would want to listen to mp3 files on the home 
stereo. With the compression from the audio format to mp3 format quality of 
fidelity is also lost.
For the amount of money that I have invested in my receiver and speaker I would 
not want to lose sound quality. For rock I probably would not notice the 
difference however some classical it would sound terrible.
I see no problem with mp3 for in the car. The road noise masks the fidelity. I 
did convert many of my cds to mp3 for the car. Also in the car I will never 
keep original cds. Years ago I had a tape taken from the car. The thief was 
really sneaky. We used valet parking and on the way home my favorite tape was 
missing. This guy probably took just one tape from every car. If they all were 
missing we would have not left but who will notice one?

Lenny http://www.geocities.com/lenny_mchugh/

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