The following are some terms and their definitions you will encounter when 
dealing with stainless steel.
For discussions of 18-8, 304 & 316 stainless steel
18-8: 300 series stainless steel having approximately (not exactly) 18% 
chromium and 8% nickel.  The term "18-8" is used interchangeably to characterize
fittings made of 302, 302HQ, 303, 304, 305, 384, XM7, and other variables of 
these grades with close chemical compositions.  There is little overall 
in corrosion resistance among the "18-8" types, but slight differences in 
chemical composition do make certain grades more resistant than others do 
particular chemicals or atmospheres.  "18-8" has superior corrosion resistance 
to 400 series stainless, is generally nonmagnetic, and is hardenable only
by cold working.

304: The basic alloy. Type 304 (18-8) is an austenitic steel possessing a 
minimum of 18% chromium and 8% nickel, combined with a maximum of 0.08% carbon.
It is a nonmagnetic steel which cannot be hardened by heat treatment, but 
instead. must be cold worked to obtain higher tensile strengths.
    The 18% minimum chromium content provides corrosion and oxidation 
resistance. The alloy's metallurgical characteristics are established primarily 
the nickel content (8% mm.), which also extends resistance to corrosion caused 
by reducing chemicals. Carbon, a necessity of mixed benefit, is held at
a level (0.08% max.) that is satisfactory for most service applications.
     The stainless alloy resists most oxidizing acids and can withstand all 
ordinary rusting. HOWEVER, IT WILL TARNISH. It is immune to foodstuffs, 
solutions, most of the organic chemicals and dyestuffs, and a wide variety of 
inorganic chemicals. Type 304, or one of its modifications, is the material
specified more than 50% of the time whenever a stainless steel is used.
     Because of its ability to withstand the corrosive action of various acids 
found in fruits, meats, milk, and vegetables, Type 304 is used for sinks,
tabletops, coffee urns, stoves, refrigerators, milk and cream dispensers, and 
steam tables. It is also used in numerous other utensils such as cooking
appliances, pots, pans, and flatware.
     Type 304 is especially suited for all types of dairy equipment - milking 
machines, containers, homogenizers, sterilizers, and storage and hauling tanks,
including piping, valves, milk trucks and railroad cars. This 18-8 alloy is 
equally serviceable in the brewing industry where it is used in pipelines,
yeast pans, fermentation vats, storage and railway cars, etc. The citrus and 
fruit juice industry also uses Type 304 for all their handling, crushing,
preparation, storage and hauling equipment.
     In those food processing applications such as in mills, bakeries, and 
slaughter and packing houses, all metal equipment exposed to animal and 
oils, fats, and acids is manufactured from Type 304.
     Type 304 is also used for the dye tanks, pipelines buckets, dippers, etc. 
that come in contact with the lormic, acetic, and other organic acids used
in the dyeing industry.
     In the marine environment, because of it slightly higher strength and wear 
resistance than type 316 it is also used for nuts, bolts, screws, and other
fasteners.  It is also used for springs, cogs, and other components where both 
wear and corrosion resistance is needed.

Type Analysis of Stainless Type  304

0.08% max.
1.00% max.
2.00% max.
0.045% max.
0.030% max.

316: For severe environments. Of course, there are many industrial processes 
that require a higher level of resistance to corrosion than Type 304 can offer.
 For these applications, Type 316 is the answer.
    Type 316 is also austenitic, non-magnetic, and thermally nonhardenable 
stainless steel like Type 304. The carbon content is held to 0.08% maximum, 
the nickel content is increased slightly. What distinguishes Type 316 from Type 
304 is the addition of molybdenum up to a maximum of 3%.
Molybdenum increases the corrosion resistance of this chromium-nickel alloy to 
withstand attack by many industrial chemicals and solvents, and, in particular,
inhibits pitting caused by chlorides. As such, molybdenum is one of the single 
most useful alloying additives in the fight against corrosion.
    By virtue of the molybdenum addition, Type 316 can withstand corrosive 
attack by sodium and calcium brines, hypochlorite solutions, phosphoric acid;
and the sulfite liquors and sulfurous acids used in the paper pulp industry. 
This alloy, therefore, is specified for industrial equipment that handles
the corrosive process chemicals used to produce inks, rayons, photographic 
chemicals, paper, textiles, bleaches, and rubber. Type 316 is also used 
for surgical implants within the hostile environment of the body.
    Type 316 is the main stainless used in the marine environment, with the 
exception of fasteners and other items where strength and wear resistance are
needed, then Type 304 (18-8) is typically used.

Type Analysis of Stainless Type 316:

0.08% max.
1.00% max.
2.00% max.
0.045% max.
0.030% max.

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